Sunday, December 27, 2009

Why is the Media making a Celebrity out of that Illegal in Chicago?

Why is the Media making a Celeb out of that lady held up in a Chicago church? And why hasn't ICE gone in and done there job allready it's Complete BS and shes making a mockery of our Justice system.Why is the Media making a Celebrity out of that Illegal in Chicago?
Shy don't you think she is just the bait ?This is just what they want to happen so it will all over the media. In time she will find out she is not as important as she thinks she is. ICE knows who she is,where she is or she isn't . Her actions will come back to haunt her. As you seen Washington isn't saying anything about it. I just want to see how willing and how long is she incline to stay holed up.Why is the Media making a Celebrity out of that Illegal in Chicago?
Can't argue with that question.
Typical liberal media playing out another ';human interest'; story.They do it all the time because the stupid public would rather have a washed down pity party, then hear any real news. Watch morning news programs...those idiots are more interested in what some inbred hollywood stars are doing than reporting news. THE STUPID PUBLIC BUYS INTO IT!
Depends on the channel you're watching; here, every channel is talking about the JonBenet alleged killer, Karr.

The news I don't want to be hearing is another 9/11!
Media is just doing its work. Sometimes it is also in the view of the readers how they take it. I assume you find this new exxagerated such that the woman is being made a celebrity. But how else would you know about this woman, who is doing the community service. I would rather admire her stern desire to live, work and be part of this community.

The only wrong she has been doing is getting away from the Immigration justice. Only that she is doing it now, had it been 200 years ago she would have been welcomed on this Land, as there were not many people then. And this land is made of Immigrants and so it will be for all the coming years.
I just hope the INS doesn't cave in and say she can stay. How long can she live holed up inside the Church? Let her stay there forever, then. What kind of a life is that? She has to know that as soon as she steps outside she will be picked up. She's basically under 'house arrest' as things are now. She was stupid to bring so much attention to herself because I can only see it as a losing situation for her. I don't have an ounce of sympathy for her. She caused the situation she is now in by coming here illegally in the first place and obviously purposely having her child as an ';anchor baby,'; hoping that he would be her 'ticket' to get to stay and enjoy all the freebies that would entail. The only person I feel sorry for in this situation is her child, but I believe he is better off without such a poor excuse of a mother as her. He will be looked after just fine if she is imprisoned and/or deported. In fact, I hope she takes him back with her when she is deported because I don't agree with allowing such a thing as ';anchor babies,'; in the first place. That outdated loophole needs to be remedied asap! The ';anchor baby'; loophole is the cause of this situation as it is the carrot that dangles in front of these people and entices them to come on over illegally and give birth on US soil.
I agree. They should go in and arrest her.
Part of our media is run by liberals, and liberals would fling the gates wide and let everyone in that wanted to come, rolling back immigration laws to the early 1800's or whatever. So, they've alighted on this lady as a persecuted celebrity. Upside, is it'll keep out-of-work reporters from having to compete with illegal aliens for dishwashing jobs...
Because most of the media tell lies or slant the truth (political favors)-plain and simple. That is no shock to me or many.
God is protecting her.
The drama of it.

It got your interest, didn't it?

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