Sunday, December 27, 2009

What are some tips for making new friends freshman year of high school?

I have met some really nice ppl from soccer but im kindof shy? help!What are some tips for making new friends freshman year of high school?
join as many things as possible... i was in soccer, cheerleading, JROTC, drama, SADD bible club and interact, and student council while in school..... i was always busy but i had SO many friends and it made high school worth every minute... just be yourself and dont care what other people have to say about you... you will find the people that like you for you and they are the ones you will be friends with forever.... high school is a big place and there are so many different types of people that honestly you will have no problem making friends... i guarantee it!! good luck and cherish this time.... it'll be over before you know it!!!What are some tips for making new friends freshman year of high school?
1. Take a deep breath. You shouldn't be so nervous, you're just going to a new school. Remember that in your new school you will find kids your age. You're going to meet people like you there. Don't stare at others before you get to know them.

2. Be yourself! Never change who you are to try and fit in. If your friends don't accept you for you, they're not really friends.

3. Be hygienic. Nothing makes a worse first impression than a whiff of B.O. or bad breath that could knock someone over. Shower daily, wear deodorant, brush your teeth, and wash your hair . Designer clothes aren't everything, but look neat. It can make you seem friendlier and more approachable.

4. Be inviting. A smile goes a long way. When you walk in the halls, don't hunch over your books or keep your eyes on the floor. Stick your chin up and make eye contact with other people. If you see someone you know, give a smile or say hi. Introduce yourself. Tell them your name and where you're from. Ask a question: ';What do you do for fun?'; Chat about the new school. Let your guard down, and be approachable!

5. Make the first move. Anywhere, in the bathroom, near your locker, or at the water fountain, you can find someone that has things in common with you, all you need is to know how to approach them. Strike up a conversation, smile and compliment them, and, of course, introduce yourself and tell them where you came from! You never know where you can find a nice friend.

6. Do something nice for someone. Save someone a seat. Say ';hi'; in the hall. Give congratulations for a job well done. Pay a compliment: ';I like your backpack.';

7. Join more after school activities you like. Choir or theater or hang around for a French club meeting, etc. Even if you don't know anyone there, you'll all share a common interest, and you can experience with different personalities from yours that have the same interest!

8. Look out for others in your grade. You're probably not the only one and at the very least, you'll have one thing in common: you're both in an unfamiliar environment. The good news is, if you are starting at a new school in startup year, almost everyone is new! Since being new is something that you all have in common, making new friends shouldn't be that hard. Talk about your old school, your new school, your opinions, grades, teachers, etc.

9. Don't sit at the back of the class where other people dont notice you! Try to sit in the middle where your around everyone and can make conversation.

10. Be confident, smile, HAVE FUN! =)
Simple. Just ';steal'; the new kids before someone else gets them. They will do anything to get friends, usually. Plus, they usually just become outcasts.

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