Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Would the left be making a big deal about Palin's clothing budget if John Edwards was the nominee?

Something tells me the $150K to dress up Palin and her brood would pale in comparison to what it would have taken to dress up Edwards, his wife, his mistress, his legitimate children and his illegitimate child. Including haircuts that is.Would the left be making a big deal about Palin's clothing budget if John Edwards was the nominee?
Liberals are so uninformed. I agree it is in pale comparison. No liberal is saying Obama should give back the money he received from Fannie and Freddie. Sarah also doesn't get to keep the clothes. The RNC wants all the clothes back and will donate them to charity.Would the left be making a big deal about Palin's clothing budget if John Edwards was the nominee?
No, But but if it was John Edwards, the right would definitely making a big deal about it, even when John Edwards paid for it himself, out of his own money.

The right started this whole argument about how much politicians are wasting, so do support the argument your side started.

lets look at this $400 dollar haircut big deal...... 150,000 clothes big deal. Who is paying again?

Edwards or political donors?

Palin or political donors?

Not the first handout Palin has had. Back in Alaska it was the taxpayer paying for them.
When Jacquline Kennedy spent thousands on her outfits, everyone wanted to dress just like her. Now that its Sara Palin spending the money, the people don't like it. Besides, how is it any of their business? You have a good point about Edwards and his family and ';extended'; family. Also, Clinton would have been wise to at least offer Monica the funds to dry clean her dress! Oops!
No. It's just mudslinging.

It seems to me that everyone who runs gets a fashion makeover to some extent. That's part of the image. And $150,000 does not buy a lot of high-end women's clothing.

Happyjack, the reason we're not upset is that we gave that money VOLUNTARILY to the GOP to help McCain get elected. It's not as if we financed a shopping spree. Palin's looking to be promoted and she has to dress the part.

Jesus. It's not as if we don't know what campaign contributions are FOR. But you've probably never contributed to anyone's campaign, so how would you know?
Michelle Obama shops at IKRAM chicago, on the NORTH side of Chicago, the most expensive store int eh state, you can't even view their website without signing up...and who pays the bill? It comes out of the 600 milion dollar mountain of cash over at the Obama campaign,, just wait til they have eh keys to the gold pot at fort knox.
Ofcourse we would. Much more so, in fact, because that would be OUR money being spent on it, money that we contributed to be used towards winning the election, not buying ridiculously expensive clothing. We would be very upset.

What I don't understand is why repubs aren't upset about how THEIR campaign contributions are being spent.
He has enough money for them all, since I'm sure you donated to the RNC, hang on to your overalls Joe, because you paid for her families fancy duds,

None of the men on either side have ever had a clothing budget paid for by the donations of their party.
I think they would, yes.

They would point out that Edwards is spending his own money, making it alright.

** ah, several of the responses above me prove my theory.

Yes, whatever a person does with their own money is allowed.

Wait. Isn't that.... ';conservatism';????
Probably not and not much mention of the fact that Obama has spent around 25 MILLION on polling...You could buy a lot of duds for that! :)

I understand that she's donating the clothing to charity when the campaign is over.
How many male candidates have had clothes paid for our of political contributions?

give you a hint somewhere between -1 and 1

Sounds a little sexist trying to dress her up like a barbie doll don't it?

But what else would we expect from the right?
John Edwards paid for his own haircuts and the Republicans were the ones who cared. I don't care how the RNC spends its money. How come you care about how Edwards spends his money, but don't care how the RNC spends yours?
it was a GIFT from the GOP. i don't see how hard that is to understand. it's not like Palin has some Governor's credit card that she's using to pay for all her expenses with the taxpayer money.
I remember when Republicans had a field day with John Edwards over priced hair cut. I guess Democrats aren't the only elitist.
Whoa - not feeling too judgmental are you? What about if Chelsea Clinton showed up unmarried and pregnant? The Repubs actually applauded Palin prego daughter and sperm donor. How impressive.
The left isn't blowing the story up the overhyped media is. I personally don't care!
Edwards is a millionare, I think he can afford his own clothes. Although the love children might have to fend for themselves haa haa

Ha! Good point! There will be those that say Edwards paid for things out of his own pocket...and that would be partially true but Edwards was already a multimillioinaire and could well-afford it.
the fact is palin did more than just get a bunch of over priced clothes.....she abused power!i hope she gets burned for it!
How about this. If this were Michelle Obama getting this 150K for dresses, don't you think that the right would be all over it trying to paint the Obama's as elitists? I think so!
Yes. Certainly.
John Edwards is somewhere filming an episode of cheaters
The left had no problem with all of the money Obama spent on his Greek columns for the DNC! (ha,ha)

McCain/Palin 2008!
The uproar is over her claiming ';Small Town'; values, and not being an Elitist, but...
Do you not remember the haircut being a big deal?
LOL. No they wouldn't. Or how about Pelosi's face lift.
All they know how to do is smear their opponents so I would have to say they would still be slandering Sarah.
Edward Used Fed money like the Republicans ?

Good point! And no they wouldn't make an issue of it because he's a dem.
The difference is John Edwards would of paid for it with his own money.
$h!t NO!
No. I don't think so.

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