Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I love acting and making music,but I don't know where to start to make a living out of these passions.Advice?

I live in Cincinnati, a metropolitan area, but have no clue how to start a career in acting/music. I plan on moving to NY in a year (or under), but would like to start doing something now to possibly build a resume. I'm not looking for fame and fortune, just a decent living doing what makes me happy. Any advice at breaking into the biz? :) Cheezy, I know!I love acting and making music,but I don't know where to start to make a living out of these passions.Advice?
I would start off by picking one profession or the other (acting, or music, whichever one you feel you are strongest in), and concentrate on that field first and foremost. It's OK to do both at the same time, but one of them has to come first until you can make things happen first. After that, if you have the talent you can freely swap off between the two.

If you're up for doing music first, get in a band and starting playing! It's OK to do covers, but try to do mostly originals every chance you get. Cincinnati won't probably do it for you. The best cities to play in will be New York, LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Austin (TX) and Nashville (if you're doing country). If you plan to tour alot, you'll want to base in NY, LA or Austin, because all 3 sit within 8 hours' drive of several large cities, which means you'll have better gigging opportunities than you would in a city that's a long ways from other cities, like say Omaha or Denver.

Other cities worth considering maybe: Toronto and Vancouver are the strongest places in Canada, London in the UK and Melbourne in Australia (with Sydney coming in 2nd). Cleveland, Dallas, DC and Chicago also have strong rock music scenes, Miami, San Antonio and LA are strong in Hispanic music genres, and Atlanta and Houston will be strong in hip hop mostly.

Extra tip: If you get into music, avoid the major recording labels and stick with the indies. Also, do your best to make friends at every turn and not make enemies, because a) the music business is a small world, and b) today's nobodies can easily become tomorrow's music moguls, and it's better for them to remember you fondly than otherwise. Trust me on this last one... I should know from past experience.

If you want to get into acting, it's basically either New York or LA. Chicago has some theatrical work (especially in comedy, half of the SNL players seem to find Chicago at one time or another in their careers), and of course small time gigs can be found in practically any city of size. But NY and LA are the centers of the acting world, with LA being best for movies, and NY being better for stage acting.

Finally: read up on both professions. Subscribe to Billboard and Pollstar if you're doing music, and Variety if you're doing acting. Use them as educational tools, and read them to learn how successful artists and actors are doing things right (make friends, keep phone numbers, be persistent), while also remember what others did wrong (do drugs, fail to show up at gigs, make enemies for no reason).

Good luck, and don't be afraid to follow your dreams... just be smart about how you do it.I love acting and making music,but I don't know where to start to make a living out of these passions.Advice?
go to music or acting school. A lot of people have the good luck of making it without either one, but if you want to be serious about it, that is the best you can do. Let me explain some of the advantages. In either music or acting school you can get scholarships if you are good, so you may end up studying for free. You will gain experience doing what you like in a frendlier environment than the ';real world';. Then, often times your professors or other students will tell you about oportunities outside of school that will probably suit your skills at the time so you can build up experience and resumee. If you are not desperate for fame or money, you can give yourself some time to try school. Even if you want to audition for professional things while in school, you will always have the guidance of a teacher who can tell you what you are doing right or did wrong in this or that audition and why you may have or not got this or that roles... in the case you don't get what you want, it is always frustrating, but it is less frustrating when you know how to improve.

Another advantage ir you are not looking for fame and $$$ is that with a college (or what ever) degree or experience in the field, you can always make a living in what you love as a teacher. Don't get me wrong, I know all aspiring performers want to be professional peroformers some day, but that is not only a mater of talent, but conections and luck.

Now if you already did this, or are not convinced in going to school, try to audition in as many places as you can, do not be too ambitious in trying to get lead roles/ positions at once, but rather doing something where you know you can do your best, that catches poeple! specially producers and directors wwho will then have you in mind to biger projects.

You could also find an agent to promote you, but be careful and go to a trust worthy agency.

Anyway... good luck and hope everything goes well
If you don't have someone already in the profession to help you get in, forget it.
Look im intersted in alot tings to and when im curious bout something i go figure it out i research it mostly lik e i like tattoos so i went to a tattoo prlor and they were real nice um just reaserach it and dont bye shy espeacilly since u like acting.


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