Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How open are you making friends with people of different social status in school?

Like say someone who was poor and at the bottom of hierarchy in school and no one talked for this reason.Then you find out you have all the same classes and sit next to them in all the classes would you be willing to talk to them or would you ignore them in fear of what others would say?How open are you making friends with people of different social status in school?
I would be open to talking to someone in a different social status because I am friends with people who aren't fortunate enough to have the loving parents I have nor the money I have. But by no means am I from the wealthiest family in my town. My parents worked very hard to buy the house we live and give me and my brother whatever we need. One of my friends lives in an apartment above a tattoo parlor and her mother is a single parent. But you might be in the situation that money is everything at your school. Which happens to not play that big of a factor at my school because pretty much everyone knows my friend and she even has more friends that I do. But if I am correct in assuming this I would talk to this person anyway. Because the only way to change the money is the only thing that matters mind set one has to take the risk and step into the cross fire in a manner of speaking. And you never know they may be a wonderful person. Money isn't everything.How open are you making friends with people of different social status in school?
Well i'm already in that sort of situation! There's always a 'beta' in a school (it's the same with wolves, it's the weakest in the pack and they are the ones everyone picks on) well the 'beta' in our school (who actually a really nice girl) went to my primary school where we were good friends, since moving to secondary school she was down-graded and is now always picked on by everyone else. I try to stick up for her and nearly always get an earful myself but i just ignore them and try to be friends with everyone! It's hard sometimes but i can do it 99% of the time!
I'm friendly to EVERYONE and talk to EVERYONE. I don't care if they're a cheerleader/jock, loner, emo, goth, nerd, prep, misfit, popular, whateverr. However if say like a stoner is trying to get me to do drugs with him, I would stay away. :]

One time, I was going somewhere with my friend who's poor so she doesn't have a lot of nice things and she's a huge nerd [no offense, she LOVES science way too much haha but that's how they grow up to be scientists so we can have cures to diseases! :D] and our math teacher saw us together and he was looked at me and then looked at her and said, ';You two are friends?!'; rofl
I have never cared about what people say, If I like a person and feel a connection that's it, it will be someone cool to hang out with....I don't ask for a bank statement first. Who cares if this person is poor and lives in the getoh, grow up and look at people for who they are and not for what they have!
Sure I'd be willing to talk to them :) I have friends of all different kinds of ';social statuses';

and from experience being poor or rich doesn't make much difference with popularity at school. Its personality or looks that do it.
i would still talk to them if they were nice. Why not? i dont care wat anybody thinks about me. so just talk on lol and dont worry about what some idiots think.
';social status in school'; ?? pffff hahahaha

who cares about it. school is for diploma.
I make friends with anyone who has a nice attitude is friendly and does not start drama! I never really bothered with the status stuff!
Well, duh. Being poor doesn't make you a bad person.

Wow. How shallow can you get?
A person is just that... not a tier on the ';hierarchy';. A good person is a good person. I don't care if they live on the streets and are purple with hot pink zebra stripes, I'll get to know them because I know that everyone in this world needs a chance.

Who cares what other people say? Pull your head out of your butt, stop acting like your 6, and go live your life! There is so much more than he said-she said, name calling, and judging. Really.

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