Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How many times can you forgive someone for making the same mistake?

lets say its a big mistake, like hurting you physically or emotionally. Do you have any personal experiences?How many times can you forgive someone for making the same mistake?
If you going to give someone another chance after they have hurt whether it be physically or emotionally it should be only once and for a very good reason.

I don't know what your circumstances are, but I was in a 2 year relationship where my boyfriend brought me down on a daily basis and was on the verge of physically abusing me. I stuck with his abuse for 2 years thinking that he would change or that he was just going through a phase, but it never did get better. Finally I realized that I wasn't in love with him, I was in love with the person that he pretended to be when we met. In those two years that we were together I was a different person, depressed all the time. After I started thinking about it more I realized that the reason I felt so empty inside was because I was giving him so much love and putting so much effort into our relationship and he wasn't returning any of it.

If someone hurts you you shouldn't give second chances because you will just be walked all over and taken advantage of.How many times can you forgive someone for making the same mistake?
As many times as they need my forgiveness.
The Bible says ';70 times 7';....this does mean the sum of these numbers, but as often as he needs forgiveness. When God forgives us, he does it expecting us to change our ways. He never stops forgiving us though.

You need to make it clear to that person that, even though, you forgive, you do not forget. Tell him that they need to stop repeating their mistakes....Perhaps they don't know how. Maybe you could help them....?
You should forgive them an infinite number of times. I've been picked on my whole life and it's hard but you need to put it behind you or try to work it out. I'm not saying I'm perfect and have always forgiven people right away but I have forgiven people for some pretty bad things that have been done to me.
well...I am a patient person.....I forgive easily but sometimes when the limits are broken I just get pissed off.

My personal experience......hmmm....well there was a friend of mine......she behaved bad with me when we were with others....when we were just 2 of us she was nice...I new why she did it and tried to talk with her but she kept doing it....I was fed up and stop being her friend any more....I heard many of her friends quit seeing her because of that
No one has the right to hurt you in any way mental or physical but if you believe it is an accident or unintentional then forgive them that one time. If it has happened again then it was in tented the first time. You need to get yourself outta that situation as soon as possible. There are phone numbers you can call if you need help getting outta that situation, utilize them and God Bless You
You learn from every mistake you make. So, in essence, you cannot make the same exact mistake twice. Therefore, you should only be forgiven for each mistake only once. However, you could make two different mistakes that bring about the same reactions/emotions, and maybe those could be forgiven more than once but it really depends on the person.
i am very forgiving and when my current boyfriend and i were together almost 3 years ago(we broke up and sepreted for awhile) he cheated on me three times with my supposed friends... and i forgave him because he came to me honestly and i was hopelessly in love and he broke up with me for someone else which he relized was a huge mistake and we ended up single at the same time and well we have been together almosta year this time and i trust him and he trusts me and im sure if he cheats on me again and comes to me honestly i would forgive him again so i guess i can forgive and forget many times the only thing i don't forgive is thieves and liars and of course people the believe in double standards
I don't let that same mistake happen. I abandon them.
only once. if they make the same mistake twice, say too bad they shouldve learned there lesson the 1st time. and yes i have had personal experiences, but i dont want to talk about them
I forgave someone numerous times, but it only made things worst. They start to feel as thought they can get away with it so they keep doing it. Let this person go.
well most of the time you don't forgive them or forgive them once. But if they are your friends or you have soem sort of feelings for them you forgive them all the time. Like i forgive my friend for hitting me whit a baseball, throwing apples at me, shooting me with his airsoft gun,tripping me,and a bunch of stuff but because he is my bestfriend i will most of the time forgive him but if it emoionally you almost never forgive anyone or at least one time
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