Sunday, December 27, 2009

What about the process of making soy protein powder, are any nutrients lost?

Some processes use alcohol, is there any alcohol left in the powder?What about the process of making soy protein powder, are any nutrients lost?
Omg scammer reported!What about the process of making soy protein powder, are any nutrients lost?
No alcohol left. It is used as a solvent and is evaporated.

If you are a guy avoid soy protein powders and use whey or casein powder instead. Non fermented soy messes up a guys hormones.

If you buy from a legit company like EAS you get what it says on the label. Nutrients are lost in processing, like fiber, but you are buying protein powder to supplement your protein intake, not a whole food. If you want whole unadulterated protein foods eat soy beans, meats or cottage cheese. Other nutrient are added to the base protein to make the protein either more complete or better absorbed.
Alcohol is a liquid at room temperature so unless they've magically found a way to make alcohol powder, no there isn't any left in the protein powder.

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