Sunday, December 27, 2009

How can I loose weight making a healthy lifestyle change?

I yoyo dieted for the last 4 yeas and last August I just gave up and overate everyday like a pig. Now I'm 5'6 ans weigh 160 lbs. I'm NEVER dieting agin, insead I just want to make a healthy life style change. RIght now I working on eating no sugar, and next will be to be more careful with portion control. AM I doing this right?How can I loose weight making a healthy lifestyle change?
Like you said, you can't diet, you must change your eating habits. Some things you can do is not completely cut out sugar, but tone it down and try to use Splenda when you can. You would be amazed by what comes sugar free that is still delicious! For example, when you order let's say a latte at Starbucks, you can get non-fat, sugar free latte. It tastes just as good!! Some other things that can help your diet is spray butter (no calories, no sodium, no fat) instead of loading on the fattening stuff. There are many other things that you can do that cuts out calories here or there (email me if you want more!). Another thing that helped me was to schedule eating every 4 hours. It maintains your metabolism and keeps you not hungry for fats! Hope it works for you!How can I loose weight making a healthy lifestyle change?
Check out and some of their articles. The free website helps you make a healthy lifestyle and provide a great support system.
you know you will never be able to get over that sugar tooth.

Eat sugar but eat it once a week. See how much you can control yourself.
just work out 3 or 4 times a week and cut back on sugar..

losing weight = burning more calories than you take in

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