Sunday, December 27, 2009

What would be the psychological reason some people seem to actually enjoy making others irritated or angry?

seriously speaking here.

what would be the root reasons of such a thing?

why and how so?

Thanks for your answers!What would be the psychological reason some people seem to actually enjoy making others irritated or angry?
I think it has a lot to do with low self-esteem. My boyfriend uses this tactic to provoke a reaction from me. Its like an attention-seeking toddler, ANY reaction, even a negative one, is better than indifference - in their eyes. I would advise everyone to ignore this type of behavior and reward the good behavior, these people obviously weren't taught at the right age, how to behave.What would be the psychological reason some people seem to actually enjoy making others irritated or angry?
everyone is different- what makes someone else angry makes someone else smile. have you ever seen Alan partridge- he a total prick but he's hilarious to watch. Also what happens mostly is that someone has is it in their mind that the other person has something against them so they become angry with them for no reason. Kids play on people's wits all the time because they think that if they are getting our attention that we must love them- they don't understand that we are actually angry and frustrated as there are often complex reasons behind this that children aren't mature enough to understand. If the person is older then they should know if their doing something to upset someone. If the person chooses to carry on behaving in this way even though they know it angers someone then they are gaining emotional control over the person and the person will become more angry. It happens in a lot of relationships. I believe that anger arises when we do not feel in control of our emotions in order regain control we must leave the source of frustration behind. hope this helps
I wish I knew then I would be a very rich women indeed. It is a common fault with us humans I'm afraid to make others angry or irritated.

I only have to open my mouth to speak to my hubby and he goes balistic and gets very angry he cannot bear to listen to me for some unknown reason.

Perhaps he sees me as just a very annoying person. What do you think?
It is about Power. I work with a 44 year old male who still basically is not separated from his momma. Every weekend his plans are to stay with mamma and tolerate daddy as he puts it. He is weird. He tries to annoy me daily and I finally had to tell myself this is my time to learn from him as much as it really sucks doing so. It is totally about power. This guy has no life and uses work as his playground. Everyone at work had to learn to not give our opinions around him because he is just waiting to debate us and does so very aggressively. I finally decided to have fun with him. Instead of letting him bother me, I shut down communication to a minimum but every now and then will bring up a topic that gets him agitated and this is kind of fun.
Power, There are a lot of people out there with low self esteem, the one way they can make themselves seem important is winding up people. If they get no reaction its failed. So if you meet someone like that walk away.
i'm not psychologist but i strongly believe those who enjoy making others irritated r BIG STUPID just don't waist your life with such people!
No psychological reason really. They're just a**holes.
I think it has to do with having control over someone else's emotions.
Low self esteem

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