Sunday, December 27, 2009

Why is my Powerbook making a grinding hum when it is running?

It's pretty frustrating. I want to fix the problem myself though.

The sound is coming from the upper right part of the keyboard. It comes and goes occasionally. Any Diagnostic?

Thanks.Why is my Powerbook making a grinding hum when it is running?
Remembering how old your powerbook is, maybe your power supply unit is starting to die, or the sound that comes and goes is a symptom that something else is about to fail. Maybe you need to re-boot your software, but the sound that you hear can't be normal. Try a Diagnostic, downloadable or otherwise.Why is my Powerbook making a grinding hum when it is running?
a grinding noise could very well be ur HDD u might wanna have that checks but it could be ur fan
maybe you are overheating the computer? are you using is in bed or pillow maybe the fan can't work properly
The fan is either got junk in it, or it's about to go out. The comes and goes comes from it cycling on and off.

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