Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What are those little voices you hear in the background sometimes while making a phone call?

Haha, I know this is weird but when I'm making a phone call from my landline I hear this little things that sound like voices in the background. What are those?What are those little voices you hear in the background sometimes while making a phone call?
The wiring in a home or apartment, and even the circuitry in the phone, can act as an antenna and pick up the radio signals all around us. This is the most common source, and, unless the radio transmitter is close, it usually disappears once the connection is made.

Another source of this are conversations in progress on other wires in the same cable bundle running down the street. In the switching centers, there are cable bundles interconnecting the outside cables to the switching equipment as well. This, and the radio interference, is caused by an induced signal of low current caused my the magnetic flux the signals create.

Usually, as mentioned, this is only noticeable until your call is connected. If it continues beyond that, and it becomes hard to converse, contact your service provider and they should be able to correct the problem. RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) filters are commercially available to block such signals if needed.What are those little voices you hear in the background sometimes while making a phone call?
It is possible that you are hearing parts of someone else's conversation. Or do you live near a radio station? Do you live in an apt? I would need more info before I could properly evaluate your problem
That's the government listening in on your conservation !

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