Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Is it legal to hire a family member making more money than an employee in the same position?

I work at a truck stop in a small town. The manager there always hires family members %26amp; then pays them more money than other employees are making. They are hired %26amp; within a few days or weeks are bumped up to supervisor %26amp; they get pay increases which is more than what I make %26amp; I have been there for almost 3 years. Is this legal? Someone help me please. This is starting to really tick me off.Is it legal to hire a family member making more money than an employee in the same position?
If i own the business I can pay anyone whatever I want as long as it is above minimum wage

I can promote or demote employees, I can hire friends and family. I can also discharge employees for cause.

Now if i find employees are quitting because of my actions or my business is suffering loss of customers because of the people i hire (relatives) it may be time for me to change my business practices.

Are the decisions ethical, in some cases yes, but at the same time retention of good employees requires i be fair and just in my decisions.Is it legal to hire a family member making more money than an employee in the same position?
If you are a protected minority (including woman) then you may have a basis for a discrimination claim if the person(s) being paid more or promoted over you are not a protected minority. There are a ton of lawyers in the phone book, a two minute phone call can tell you whether they think you have a case.

Nepotism (showing preferential treatment to relatives) is not illegal but if there is a possible discrimination case, you might as well find out. Don't rely on this board, call a professional. They do this all the time and will know your state law as well as federal law.. Every state has its own employment laws in addition to federal law.

I would look for another job if that is possible, I know you said it is a small town. But loyal and good workers are hard to find these days, and you will do better with an employer who will appreciate you. Obviously your employer doesn't mind screwing you over. It sounds like they figure they can get away with unfairness and you will put up with it. That's when you can vote with your feet and let them try to replace you.
Maybe you need to look elsewhere for employment. Sounds like it's really a family business with no chance to advance. And there is nothing illegal about it.

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