Sunday, December 27, 2009

Which is more important-making peace with yourself or others?

By others i mean the world in general.

Go deep on this one folks,

If ya have time and ability.

Thanks.Which is more important-making peace with yourself or others?
definitely SELF!

';I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.'; Ayn Rand

it is only through peace with one's self can we make peace with others in a healthy manner. i don't think man can totally be selfless. that's impossible. it's what preserves our lives as men and as species, our natural inclination to be selfish.

but once we do understand ourselves, how we function, what are our priorities and our principles, then we can be of help to others. we should never deny ourselves, i think, because in the long run, if we do, we are only fooling ourselves and our energy for helping others wanes and we go asking ';why don't they appreciate what i do?'; and stuff like that.

ill rethink and rephrase this when i have the time.Which is more important-making peace with yourself or others?
I think you can only make peace with the world if you can make peace with yourself. I also think that the latter is more important because if you've only made peace with yourself and not with others, you can be happy, but if you've made peace with everyone except yourself, you can never be happy.
Peace is a relative term indicating tranquility and lack of conflict. I will never be completely free of internal conflict in my life…as I do not remain stagnant and I am always challenging myself. I am always pushing myself beyond my own comfort zone. I can only do this if I know how to tap into my inner peace…which is present when I need it to draw upon. It provides a stabilizing force for me; and allows me to move forward in my life.

World Peace is dependent on the desire for it by the world’s participants. We often shape matters of the world with our own consciousness. Our proverbial “drop in the bucket” does make a difference…even if it is not known to us at the time. There are only a handful who persist in conflict; as most of us desire Peace. Our collective consciousness will eventually win over continued war efforts driven by the race for superiority and greed in a corrupt society by a few. An innocent, Utopian view perhaps…but we must have the courage of our vision to overcome these obstacles…and we can all do our part through our desire for it.
It is so much easier to make peace with others. Yes, it's easy once you accept the fact that we all have faults and are capable of making mistakes... but, for some strange reason, we often find it difficult to forgive ourselves, to accept our own frailties and faults and to be at peace with ourselves.

Try taking notice of how people describe themselves... usually the descriptions do not match what others see and know about them... their descriptions tend to idealize themselves more, not because they're trying to fool anyone but because that is the way they see themselves and they feel that they have an inside line on themselves and they believe they really, really ';know'; themselves more than anyone dead or alive. And for that same reason, they have expectations of what they feel they are capable of doing; failures usually result from outside influences beyond their control and they can justify their failures not being their fault, and the person feels that others around him/her cannot see or understand. We can easily see other the faults and frailties of others much more easily than our own, strangely enough, and that also contributes to the illusions we have of ourselves... and this contributes greatly to our inability to be more forgiving of ourselves and making peace with ourselves, too. It is so ironic because once we learn to forgive ourselves, we also find greater ease to forgive others more than we already do, especially those we consider our enemies and foes.

Once we learn to forgive ourselves and we learn to be at peace without our selves (%26lt;yes, two words, on purpose), we can learn to live a more peaceful and tranquil life, and we can better appreciate those things that we now take for granted, and we get to appreciate others more.

So, in answer to the question, I feel it is far more important to maek peace with oneself than with others but only as a starting point.
with my self because if you do it for your self you will fell that's word need it but if you didn't feel you are in a peace you will not give it to any one

if you bereaved of something you cant give to any body
This question looks so simple, but yet it is not.

I'm glad you are making me think today.

I feel it is more important to be at peace with myself. I'm not a selfish person. I love to help others and to help others find peace within themselves. I just feel that you can't have peace with others if you are not at peace with yourself.
It's not important that it is within or without, important thing is peace ... and at all costs.
if you make achieve peace with yourself naturally you will be at peace with all of the world
it begins with one self
Yourself first, because that relationship is the model for all others.
peace with myself becouse i have only control over myself the rest of the world i have no control over
When you are at peace with others, you are at peace with yourself. Most of the time when you don't like or hate someone else it hurts you more than it hurts them and it makes it impossible to be at peace with yourself.
I think it is more important to live in peace with the world around us :)

living in peace with others is a good beginning of many good things

living in peace with yourself is good but so few, it is better to try to change the world good way then to think only about yourself :)

you are welcome :)
when u live in a peaceful society , u will automatically find peace u need!!!

obviously , even u r at peace within but its of no use when u are living in a bad community/society !!
Peace with myself. Peace with the world is an illusion and transient. I am the only constant in my reality.
making peace with yourself is what is most important, coz how cud you make peace with anyone if you yourself in the first place is not at peace. Its like you have to love yourself first before someone else coz you cannot share love or kindness if you do not have it on yourself.
its like this if ur Hungary and have no food can u feed other people if ur not in Peace with ur self how wil ub in peace with others
In order to have peace inside one has to be able to acknowledge why dont have internal peace to begin with. This is usaully some outside influence, ie, we have hurt others and feel guilty, we have been honest with ourselves or others, or we arent doing what we want to do. There are various reasons why one may be out of whack with themselves.

In order to attain peace you must first analyze who you are and what you has caused the disorder.

In saying all this, I believe that beaing at peace with yourself is the goal to achieve. People come an go but you have to live with you.

Also when you are at peace with yourself it emanates and people can almost see it. You make a better friend because you are honest, you make a better lover because you are more in tune with yourself.
With yourself first, by all means. If you can't love yourself, then you cannot love anybody else.

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