Sunday, December 27, 2009

Why is the Media making a Celebrity out of that Illegal in Chicago?

Why is the Media making a Celeb out of that lady held up in a Chicago church? And why hasn't ICE gone in and done there job allready it's Complete BS and shes making a mockery of our Justice system.Why is the Media making a Celebrity out of that Illegal in Chicago?
Shy don't you think she is just the bait ?This is just what they want to happen so it will all over the media. In time she will find out she is not as important as she thinks she is. ICE knows who she is,where she is or she isn't . Her actions will come back to haunt her. As you seen Washington isn't saying anything about it. I just want to see how willing and how long is she incline to stay holed up.Why is the Media making a Celebrity out of that Illegal in Chicago?
Can't argue with that question.
Typical liberal media playing out another ';human interest'; story.They do it all the time because the stupid public would rather have a washed down pity party, then hear any real news. Watch morning news programs...those idiots are more interested in what some inbred hollywood stars are doing than reporting news. THE STUPID PUBLIC BUYS INTO IT!
Depends on the channel you're watching; here, every channel is talking about the JonBenet alleged killer, Karr.

The news I don't want to be hearing is another 9/11!
Media is just doing its work. Sometimes it is also in the view of the readers how they take it. I assume you find this new exxagerated such that the woman is being made a celebrity. But how else would you know about this woman, who is doing the community service. I would rather admire her stern desire to live, work and be part of this community.

The only wrong she has been doing is getting away from the Immigration justice. Only that she is doing it now, had it been 200 years ago she would have been welcomed on this Land, as there were not many people then. And this land is made of Immigrants and so it will be for all the coming years.
I just hope the INS doesn't cave in and say she can stay. How long can she live holed up inside the Church? Let her stay there forever, then. What kind of a life is that? She has to know that as soon as she steps outside she will be picked up. She's basically under 'house arrest' as things are now. She was stupid to bring so much attention to herself because I can only see it as a losing situation for her. I don't have an ounce of sympathy for her. She caused the situation she is now in by coming here illegally in the first place and obviously purposely having her child as an ';anchor baby,'; hoping that he would be her 'ticket' to get to stay and enjoy all the freebies that would entail. The only person I feel sorry for in this situation is her child, but I believe he is better off without such a poor excuse of a mother as her. He will be looked after just fine if she is imprisoned and/or deported. In fact, I hope she takes him back with her when she is deported because I don't agree with allowing such a thing as ';anchor babies,'; in the first place. That outdated loophole needs to be remedied asap! The ';anchor baby'; loophole is the cause of this situation as it is the carrot that dangles in front of these people and entices them to come on over illegally and give birth on US soil.
I agree. They should go in and arrest her.
Part of our media is run by liberals, and liberals would fling the gates wide and let everyone in that wanted to come, rolling back immigration laws to the early 1800's or whatever. So, they've alighted on this lady as a persecuted celebrity. Upside, is it'll keep out-of-work reporters from having to compete with illegal aliens for dishwashing jobs...
Because most of the media tell lies or slant the truth (political favors)-plain and simple. That is no shock to me or many.
God is protecting her.
The drama of it.

It got your interest, didn't it?

When does a new car loan appear on your credit report? After making the first payment?

I drove a car off the lot, but never finalized the loan with the 30 day warranty period. I returned the car back to the dealership. Will pulling the car off the lot be reported to my credit history or will it not show anything at all because I had not even made my first payment?When does a new car loan appear on your credit report? After making the first payment?
Auto finance is what I do for a living and as long as you did not sign a contract it will not show on your report.

Something you said makes me wonder, are you under the understanding that you have 30-days to return a vehicle after you buy it?

If this is what you were referring to when you said that you never finalized the loan, then you are mistaken.

There is no 30 day return policy unless the dealer you were working with has one.

A lot of dealers have 30-day warranty's but this doe's not mean you have 30-days to return the vehicle.

If you signed paperwork and then took the car back, it will show as a repossession on your credit.When does a new car loan appear on your credit report? After making the first payment?
Car Loan Guide: Report Abuse

Most of the times it takes up to 60 days to appear.

It shouldn't show up on your credit report since nothing was finalized and/or you didn't make a payment.

I'm thinking of making half of my basement into a swinger's club any suggestions on theme?

So I have thought long and hard about dedicating half of my basment into a club for swingers. I am a single father and I feel like i deserve the fun and relaxation that this club will offer me. I have invested just enough money for the making of the club and even enough for the other half of the basement, a new bedroom for my son. The only thing is, I am stuck on the theme. I just don't know. Every day I think of something new! Ideas?I'm thinking of making half of my basement into a swinger's club any suggestions on theme?
First off, I would suggest that if you are not already well involved in your local swinger community that you get involved first. People aren't just going to show up at your house because you invite them. And single guys have a pretty hard time in the lifestyle to begin with. So you'll need to establish a good base of friendly swingers before you go through the effort of converting your basement.

Second, do you really think you should have your son's bedroom in the same part of the house as a swinger club? What is your son doing when your club is meeting? Are you going to make his bedroom off limits during parties? good luck.

As for a theme, clubs should not have themes.... you might have theme nights... but not a theme. If you want to set up a club in your basement, get to know some swingers, and visit a few clubs to get ideas for what things people will want in your basement.

Oh and one more thing to consider, if you are running a club from your home, and charging a fee, then you are operating a business, which means that you will need to make sure you have all proper licenses and permits. And even if you do that, good luck making sure that your neighbors don't get annoyed at the traffic, and should anyone be a little discourteous at your parties and run outside naked, you can guarantee that your neighbors will call the cops... which will most likely lead to your ';club'; getting shut down and possibly to losing your children.

If you want to explore swinging because you feel you deserve it, go for it. I totally understand but swinging has enough risks of its own without trying to run your own club. Make sure you totally think this thing through, before you commit yourself.I'm thinking of making half of my basement into a swinger's club any suggestions on theme?
First of all, I want you to know that I'm not judging...what other people want to do doesn't bother me, but you're going to have your son's bedroom in your swingers club? Hopefully your son is old enough to be exposed to something like this.

As for a theme...what kinds of things do you like? It could be retro or modern, or something different like sporty, or jungle with wild animals prints. Or just a certain color scheme. It just depends on what you like and what would be most relaxing to you.
i guess it depends on what type of people u want to attract

-high class? go for luxurious textiles and spa like bathroom

-stripper club- velvet, leather, lighting, sytipper poleetc

-bondage- black leather, silver furniture tacks.

don't forget a nice bathroom with shower and multiple toilets and sinks

no one likes sticky hands
There isn't a basement large enough.

Swing parties take up entire homes. I'd suggest you find something else to do with your basement.
Given the new show on TV, Swingtown, I would give it a 70's theme. Some smoked mirrors, shag carpet, even a disco ball. Have a great time!
Change the other half into a wedding chapel!
  • beauty facial
  • wrinkle treatment
  • Which is more important-making peace with yourself or others?

    By others i mean the world in general.

    Go deep on this one folks,

    If ya have time and ability.

    Thanks.Which is more important-making peace with yourself or others?
    definitely SELF!

    ';I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.'; Ayn Rand

    it is only through peace with one's self can we make peace with others in a healthy manner. i don't think man can totally be selfless. that's impossible. it's what preserves our lives as men and as species, our natural inclination to be selfish.

    but once we do understand ourselves, how we function, what are our priorities and our principles, then we can be of help to others. we should never deny ourselves, i think, because in the long run, if we do, we are only fooling ourselves and our energy for helping others wanes and we go asking ';why don't they appreciate what i do?'; and stuff like that.

    ill rethink and rephrase this when i have the time.Which is more important-making peace with yourself or others?
    I think you can only make peace with the world if you can make peace with yourself. I also think that the latter is more important because if you've only made peace with yourself and not with others, you can be happy, but if you've made peace with everyone except yourself, you can never be happy.
    Peace is a relative term indicating tranquility and lack of conflict. I will never be completely free of internal conflict in my life…as I do not remain stagnant and I am always challenging myself. I am always pushing myself beyond my own comfort zone. I can only do this if I know how to tap into my inner peace…which is present when I need it to draw upon. It provides a stabilizing force for me; and allows me to move forward in my life.

    World Peace is dependent on the desire for it by the world’s participants. We often shape matters of the world with our own consciousness. Our proverbial “drop in the bucket” does make a difference…even if it is not known to us at the time. There are only a handful who persist in conflict; as most of us desire Peace. Our collective consciousness will eventually win over continued war efforts driven by the race for superiority and greed in a corrupt society by a few. An innocent, Utopian view perhaps…but we must have the courage of our vision to overcome these obstacles…and we can all do our part through our desire for it.
    It is so much easier to make peace with others. Yes, it's easy once you accept the fact that we all have faults and are capable of making mistakes... but, for some strange reason, we often find it difficult to forgive ourselves, to accept our own frailties and faults and to be at peace with ourselves.

    Try taking notice of how people describe themselves... usually the descriptions do not match what others see and know about them... their descriptions tend to idealize themselves more, not because they're trying to fool anyone but because that is the way they see themselves and they feel that they have an inside line on themselves and they believe they really, really ';know'; themselves more than anyone dead or alive. And for that same reason, they have expectations of what they feel they are capable of doing; failures usually result from outside influences beyond their control and they can justify their failures not being their fault, and the person feels that others around him/her cannot see or understand. We can easily see other the faults and frailties of others much more easily than our own, strangely enough, and that also contributes to the illusions we have of ourselves... and this contributes greatly to our inability to be more forgiving of ourselves and making peace with ourselves, too. It is so ironic because once we learn to forgive ourselves, we also find greater ease to forgive others more than we already do, especially those we consider our enemies and foes.

    Once we learn to forgive ourselves and we learn to be at peace without our selves (%26lt;yes, two words, on purpose), we can learn to live a more peaceful and tranquil life, and we can better appreciate those things that we now take for granted, and we get to appreciate others more.

    So, in answer to the question, I feel it is far more important to maek peace with oneself than with others but only as a starting point.
    with my self because if you do it for your self you will fell that's word need it but if you didn't feel you are in a peace you will not give it to any one

    if you bereaved of something you cant give to any body
    This question looks so simple, but yet it is not.

    I'm glad you are making me think today.

    I feel it is more important to be at peace with myself. I'm not a selfish person. I love to help others and to help others find peace within themselves. I just feel that you can't have peace with others if you are not at peace with yourself.
    It's not important that it is within or without, important thing is peace ... and at all costs.
    if you make achieve peace with yourself naturally you will be at peace with all of the world
    it begins with one self
    Yourself first, because that relationship is the model for all others.
    peace with myself becouse i have only control over myself the rest of the world i have no control over
    When you are at peace with others, you are at peace with yourself. Most of the time when you don't like or hate someone else it hurts you more than it hurts them and it makes it impossible to be at peace with yourself.
    I think it is more important to live in peace with the world around us :)

    living in peace with others is a good beginning of many good things

    living in peace with yourself is good but so few, it is better to try to change the world good way then to think only about yourself :)

    you are welcome :)
    when u live in a peaceful society , u will automatically find peace u need!!!

    obviously , even u r at peace within but its of no use when u are living in a bad community/society !!
    Peace with myself. Peace with the world is an illusion and transient. I am the only constant in my reality.
    making peace with yourself is what is most important, coz how cud you make peace with anyone if you yourself in the first place is not at peace. Its like you have to love yourself first before someone else coz you cannot share love or kindness if you do not have it on yourself.
    its like this if ur Hungary and have no food can u feed other people if ur not in Peace with ur self how wil ub in peace with others
    In order to have peace inside one has to be able to acknowledge why dont have internal peace to begin with. This is usaully some outside influence, ie, we have hurt others and feel guilty, we have been honest with ourselves or others, or we arent doing what we want to do. There are various reasons why one may be out of whack with themselves.

    In order to attain peace you must first analyze who you are and what you has caused the disorder.

    In saying all this, I believe that beaing at peace with yourself is the goal to achieve. People come an go but you have to live with you.

    Also when you are at peace with yourself it emanates and people can almost see it. You make a better friend because you are honest, you make a better lover because you are more in tune with yourself.
    With yourself first, by all means. If you can't love yourself, then you cannot love anybody else.

    Why are some Republicans making a thing about Obama and Kentucky?

    I *am* a Republican who voted for McCain, but I'm not complaining. The whole argument we made during Katrina was ';states need to take care of this';.

    Why are some Republicans trying to take Advantage of a very bad situation to score political points?Why are some Republicans making a thing about Obama and Kentucky?
    Simply pointing out the reporting disparities. People are still talking about how Bush ';killed'; blacks following Katrina.Why are some Republicans making a thing about Obama and Kentucky?
    January 30, 2009

    KY Governor: Obama people 'hit the ground running' on storm

    Posted: 01:07 PM ET

    iReporter Dwight Stanley of Louisville, Kentucky supplied this photo of conditions on the ground in storm-ravaged Kentucky.

    LOUISVILLE, Kentucky (CNN) 鈥?Kentucky's governor is praising the Obama administration's prompt reaction to the fierce wintry weather that slammed his state.

    ';They really hit the ground running,'; said Steve Beshear, interviewed by CNN. ';They're working very hard to get all the equipment and supplies here that we need.';

    Crews have been working to restore power and water service to hundreds of thousands of people. Beshear said that while he realizes ';nothing moves fast enough,'; he said the federal assistance ';has been a great help to us so far.';

    Beshear, a Democrat, explained that when the first wave of bad weather came through on Tuesday and Wednesday morning, officials realized that they needed additional help.

    ';I called the White House directly at that time. I had my other folks talking to FEMA, but I went straight to the top because we needed fast help,'; he said.

    He said he spoke to the director of intergovernment relations and said she walked Kentucky's paperwork through. He said President Obama called him and told him he was announcing an emergency declaration for the state.

    ';I can't tell you how appreciative we were,'; the governor said. ';He not only expressed his concern, but he obviously had the Kentuckians in his thoughts and prayers, and he communicated that to us.';
    I don't see any government officials blaming the federal government, but some Republican citizens are pointing out that Obama isn't taking any flack for what's going on in Kentucky. I don't blame the federal government for its response to either Katrina or Kentucky, I think both are examples of bad situations that take time to resolve, the people need to realize this and not jump on the government.

    The left leaning media did launch a campaign to blame Bush for Katrina, and that campaign was very successful in losing public support for Bush. I don't think the right should do the same, just pointing that out.
    When students are in law school, they are taught ';when the facts are against you, argue 'the law;' when the law is against you, argue 'the facts;' when both are against you, ARGUE.';

    What astounds me is the ignorance of the hate-posters: they don't realize that THE CONSTITUTION allots ';states' rights'; to... (drum roll) the STATES!!!! That means that a Governor has to ASK for help. When Kentucky's Governor asked FEMA for help, the response was IMMEDIATE. There WERE 700,000 homes without electricity last week; that number is now down to 300,000 and lessening daily. Food and water is being distributed. etc etc etc

    They got nuthin' so they're just arguing. Curious about it myself, I simply Googled ';FEMA in Kentucky'; and found the FEMA site... I know: amazing, huh? Anyway, I'm posting directly from the FEMA website, below:

    FEMA Assists Kentucky With Winter Storm Emergency

    Priorities Are Saving Lives, Protecting Public Health and Safety

    Release Date: January 31, 2009

    Release Number: 3302-001

    禄 More Information on Kentucky Severe Winter Storm

    ATLANTA, Ga. -- The Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is helping the Commonwealth of Kentucky with its response to this week's major winter storm. Wednesday evening, Gov. Steve Beshear asked for and quickly received an Emergency Declaration from President Obama, which cleared the way for federal aid for 61 designated counties.

    FEMA began moving food, water and industrial-size emergency generators into the commonwealth Thursday morning. To date, 12 truckloads of water, six truckloads of meals ready-to-eat and 50 industrial-size generators to provide power for critical facilities have moved into the national logistics staging area at Fort Campbell. In addition, FEMA is fulfilling the commonwealth's requests for fuel and communications equipment.

    ';We are working closely with Kentucky emergency management officials and will continue to do so as long as necessary to help the people of the commonwealth through this winter storm emergency,'; FEMA Regional Administrator Phil May said. ';Our priorities are to save lives and protect public health and safety.';

    Federal Coordinating Officer Kim Kadesch went to the Kentucky Emergency Operations Center in Frankfort on Thursday, joining FEMA liaison personnel already there. FEMA's Regional Response Coordination Center in Atlanta activated at 7 a.m. Thursday morning, allowing several federal agencies to join in coordinated support of Kentucky's efforts to protect life and property. Under the emergency declaration, this aid comes under FEMA's Public Assistance program for state agencies and affected local governments. FEMA directs other federal agencies and provides 75 percent federal funding for emergency measures.

    The 61 counties named in the emergency declaration are: Allen, Anderson, Barren, Bath, Boyd, Boyle, Breathitt, Breckinridge, Butler, Caldwell, Calloway, Carlisle, Clark, Crittenden, Daviess, Edmonson, Elliott, Estill, Fayette, Floyd, Fulton, Garrard, Graves, Grayson, Hardin, Harrison, Hart, Hickman, Hopkins, Jackson, Jessamine, Johnson, Larue, Lincoln, Logan, Lyon, Madison, Magoffin, Marion, Marshall, Mason, McCracken, Meade, Mercer, Metcalfe, Morgan, Muhlenberg, Nelson, Nicholas, Ohio, Owsley, Perry, Powell, Shelby, Todd, Trigg, Union, Washington, Webster, Wolfe and Woodford.

    FEMA leads and supports the nation in a risk-based, comprehensive emergency management system of preparedness, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation, to reduce the loss of life and property and protect the nation from all hazards including natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters.

    Last Modified: Sunday, 01-Feb-2009 11:41:21

    If Mr. Obama want so much American money get Fuel and Food and water to these people they can take care of themselves but it could be taken to there State shelters and large towns and it is not just Kentucky it is many states and many Americans.

    All you nice warm people are so kind tell it to the people freezing to death with no gas to leave and no supplies Armchair helpers America doesn't nedd people like you.
    Your kidding right?? It is a state issue and the states need to take care of it, just like Katrina was but Bush still to this day is being chastised because it took him 3 days to show up in La. Obama hasn't even bothered to make a fly by of this disaster which is said to be worse than the destruction left behind by Hurricane Ike.
    It's just a chance to show liberals how absurd they were being about the whole ';blame Bush for Katrina'; phase. I doubt too many people are actually taking it seriously, just an opportunity to illustrate absurdities.
    Lots and lots of Bitter-Clingers there and ya know how Obama hates them Bitter-Clingers.
    the Obama haters are going to nit pick at every single decision that Obama's going to be a long 8 years
    Kentucky's governor said the president has done a tremendous job helping the state out.

    We kinda figured we would give that great state of Illinois a rest...

    What`s the difference making pictures with ink cartridges printers and chemicals printers?

    I like photography but I don`t have any knowlege of printing pictures. Please help how to make very beautiful pictures. Thanks!What`s the difference making pictures with ink cartridges printers and chemicals printers?
    If your seeking to print something close to Photo Quality the a Xerox Phaser Printer using their paper and ink's which are wax based.

    I Hope this Helps!!!

    I need to know which type or brand blender to buy. I want to use it for making home made tomato sauce and?

    other uses like mixing yourt and strawberries, so it needs to be versatile for heavy vegies and softer mixing. Any advice would be appreciated.I need to know which type or brand blender to buy. I want to use it for making home made tomato sauce and?
    well there is one thing that is really cool and its called the ';Magic Bullet';..

    it can blend, dice, chop, or slice anything in less than 10 seconds... here is the link:

    it only cost like 100 dollars BUT u get a second one for free and a whole bunch of other stuffI need to know which type or brand blender to buy. I want to use it for making home made tomato sauce and?
    If you have the $$$$$$ a VITAMIX is the ONLY blender you will ever need... They use them on IRON CHEF..

    You can make soups, dressings, etc.... It's professional grade !

    If money is an object I got an old fashioned stainless steel- OSTERIZER DELUXE for $2.50... It has HIGH/LOW but the parts are ALL METAL and it has a nice glass pitcher!

    Does anyone know where I can purchase Wood Wicks for my candle making?

    I haven't been able to locate a website or company that offers treated wood wicks to use in candlemaking. Although there are many companies out there selling wood wicked candles. I would like to sell them on my site also, but need the wicks to make them. Thank you for any help.Does anyone know where I can purchase Wood Wicks for my candle making?
    We get ours from Candles and Supplies -

    Just a word of caution, it does take some testing to get them right but once you hit on the right size wick for your jar and wax/additives you will love the candles (and so will your customers :-)

    You might also want to consider getting, and carring for sale, ';woodwick'; trimmers as they cleanly cut the burnt edges off and make relighting much easier.

    GOOD LUCK!Does anyone know where I can purchase Wood Wicks for my candle making?
    Wood wicks good or bad???

    Good if you buy the right wick and use it properly!


    USE WITH SOY CONTAINER WAX and good quality jars!

    read this at:鈥?/a>

    buy at:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    I'm thinking about making a simple jewelery holder?

    I think I'm gonna buy some corkboard and put some thumb tacks in it and hang up all of my earrings on it. Sound like a good idea? Anything to make it look nicer?I'm thinking about making a simple jewelery holder?
    You can decorate the corkboard with regular craft supplies like glitter, pom poms, buttons, beads, jewels, etc. Then you could decorate your thumbtacks or buy fancy thumbtacks.

    You can get the materials at a local craft store.I'm thinking about making a simple jewelery holder?
    piece of plywood

    paint the plywood [back ground color]

    glue a small mirror on it.

    make some cork board strips and give them different colors.

    glue the strips in a nice pattern on the plywood.

    now you have different color back grounds for different color earrings

    and the whole holder is a piece of art.


    in stead of coloring the cork board. glue different pieces of textile [the same colors of the things you wear]

    need more ideas let me know
    Hi! There is a very inspiring story that I wsa redaing of the Crafty Chica- Kathy Cano Murillo and she has this DIY here鈥?/a>

    Just scroll down to read her story and the tutorial. Her ezine has many ideas for making earrings too if you want to make some for yourself :)
  • beauty facial
  • wrinkle treatment
  • What would be the psychological reason some people seem to actually enjoy making others irritated or angry?

    seriously speaking here.

    what would be the root reasons of such a thing?

    why and how so?

    Thanks for your answers!What would be the psychological reason some people seem to actually enjoy making others irritated or angry?
    I think it has a lot to do with low self-esteem. My boyfriend uses this tactic to provoke a reaction from me. Its like an attention-seeking toddler, ANY reaction, even a negative one, is better than indifference - in their eyes. I would advise everyone to ignore this type of behavior and reward the good behavior, these people obviously weren't taught at the right age, how to behave.What would be the psychological reason some people seem to actually enjoy making others irritated or angry?
    everyone is different- what makes someone else angry makes someone else smile. have you ever seen Alan partridge- he a total prick but he's hilarious to watch. Also what happens mostly is that someone has is it in their mind that the other person has something against them so they become angry with them for no reason. Kids play on people's wits all the time because they think that if they are getting our attention that we must love them- they don't understand that we are actually angry and frustrated as there are often complex reasons behind this that children aren't mature enough to understand. If the person is older then they should know if their doing something to upset someone. If the person chooses to carry on behaving in this way even though they know it angers someone then they are gaining emotional control over the person and the person will become more angry. It happens in a lot of relationships. I believe that anger arises when we do not feel in control of our emotions in order regain control we must leave the source of frustration behind. hope this helps
    I wish I knew then I would be a very rich women indeed. It is a common fault with us humans I'm afraid to make others angry or irritated.

    I only have to open my mouth to speak to my hubby and he goes balistic and gets very angry he cannot bear to listen to me for some unknown reason.

    Perhaps he sees me as just a very annoying person. What do you think?
    It is about Power. I work with a 44 year old male who still basically is not separated from his momma. Every weekend his plans are to stay with mamma and tolerate daddy as he puts it. He is weird. He tries to annoy me daily and I finally had to tell myself this is my time to learn from him as much as it really sucks doing so. It is totally about power. This guy has no life and uses work as his playground. Everyone at work had to learn to not give our opinions around him because he is just waiting to debate us and does so very aggressively. I finally decided to have fun with him. Instead of letting him bother me, I shut down communication to a minimum but every now and then will bring up a topic that gets him agitated and this is kind of fun.
    Power, There are a lot of people out there with low self esteem, the one way they can make themselves seem important is winding up people. If they get no reaction its failed. So if you meet someone like that walk away.
    i'm not psychologist but i strongly believe those who enjoy making others irritated r BIG STUPID just don't waist your life with such people!
    No psychological reason really. They're just a**holes.
    I think it has to do with having control over someone else's emotions.
    Low self esteem

    I want to start making music on my computer. Whats the best program?

    I want to start making elecro music on my computer. What Program should I get?I want to start making music on my computer. Whats the best program?




    Sound Recorder

    Record any Sound You want......

    Buy a RCA to MIC cord adapter to LINE IN or MIC jack.

    Even make WAV then can convert to any other with Music MatchI want to start making music on my computer. Whats the best program?
    On Macs, iLife comes with GarageBand. Windows doesn't really have anything as good. These are the two top contenders though:

    Adobe Audition (Used to be Cool Edit Pro):

    Sony ACID Pro:鈥?/a>
    Try Adobe Audition. Quite easy to use...
    I dunno about anyone else,but I personally prefer the one that

    came on my system,Windows Version 11.

    It is nice looking,and lets you set your OWN rip and burn options. I suggest you have PLENTY of ram.Many don't understand why their systems get bogged down and you need

    also, EXTRA PROCESSOR speed for the greatest performances. ICY

    There are many others around,and they seem to make theirselves the DEFAULT PLAYER,without asking you,which causes one to have to go into their SETTINGS eventually because you end up sometimes with mirror tracking,etc and microsofts wont do it,unless you allow it to give that Permission.

    I also would like to recommend you to update your windows weekly at this site,and to get the Defender Software,as it enhances your system better than any other I use for discarding malware %26amp; spyware.
    Try Dance E jay , It's wonderful :

    version 7:鈥?/a>

    version 5 :鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
    Steinberg's Cubase, ProTools (Mac only), Propellerhead's Reason and Adobe Audition seem to be the most popular professional digital music-making software at the moment. If you have access to those programs I would suggest using them (though ProTools is extremely complex and expensive). However, some of these programs have a pretty steep learning curve. If you stick with any of the programs for awhile and experiment alot, read the help files and go online for tutorials - you should be able to start making AMAZING sounding electro in a few weeks. If, however, you need to get your synth-jams on right away (who deosn't?!) I would suggest using a slightly simpler program to start (like E-Jay or Fruityloops or one of Propellerhead's sequencer offerings). There are also plenty of freeware/shareware offerings online at sites like that might be good for beginners. Good luck with your electro and don't be afraid to use multiple programs for a more unique sound on your final track!

    How long does it take for sunbeds to start ageing you and making your skin leathery?

    I have 3 mins per week, how long before i'm going to be looking like a handbag?How long does it take for sunbeds to start ageing you and making your skin leathery?
    it happens so slowly u won't notice

    it's already started!

    Why is my Powerbook making a grinding hum when it is running?

    It's pretty frustrating. I want to fix the problem myself though.

    The sound is coming from the upper right part of the keyboard. It comes and goes occasionally. Any Diagnostic?

    Thanks.Why is my Powerbook making a grinding hum when it is running?
    Remembering how old your powerbook is, maybe your power supply unit is starting to die, or the sound that comes and goes is a symptom that something else is about to fail. Maybe you need to re-boot your software, but the sound that you hear can't be normal. Try a Diagnostic, downloadable or otherwise.Why is my Powerbook making a grinding hum when it is running?
    a grinding noise could very well be ur HDD u might wanna have that checks but it could be ur fan
    maybe you are overheating the computer? are you using is in bed or pillow maybe the fan can't work properly
    The fan is either got junk in it, or it's about to go out. The comes and goes comes from it cycling on and off.

    How long do drug companies have a patent before other companies can begin making a generic?

    My cat take asthma medicine and I can't afford to buy it from the US and have to buy from canada. Even then its $60 a month. I would love to know when a generic will be available. He takes Flovent.How long do drug companies have a patent before other companies can begin making a generic?
    After seven (7) years, other pharmaceutical companies can offer a generic for patented medicine. Ask your druggist (even if that's not where you get the Flovent) when Flovent was originally put on the market. If it's been seven years, ask him if he knows if any companies are planning to come out with a generic.How long do drug companies have a patent before other companies can begin making a generic?
    2012 is the current year if the manufacturer doesn't challenge the patent of change the patent by ways such as changing the dosage or combining with another drug. Report Abuse

    I believe you can get a generic: Fluticasone Propionate is the name. Try this website.

    What are some tips for making friends and building good friendships?

    From experience, I believe good friendships are based on trust, honesty, understanding, openness and respect. Throughout the years, I've come to realize that my true friends are the ones that I never suspect.

    To have a good friendship, you should be comfortable with a person and know that you can confide in them. You can be around them all the time without being insecure.

    To be a good friend, you have to learn to listen, even if you do not know how to comfort a friend in words. They will be satisfied enough that their problems do not fall on deaf ears. Just being there for someone makes a person happy, believe me.What are some tips for making friends and building good friendships?
    be yourself be funn have a great time when your with ppl make them laugh they will adore u and youll have a lot of friends and itll be easy building good friendships :)
  • beauty facial
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  • How to catch cresselia without making it flee?

    I have a gastly and it knows mean look but when I try to use it, cresselia flees. Help?How to catch cresselia without making it flee?
    You're catching me? Me? Well, good luck! I like to break out of ultra balls!

    Your Gastly is not faster than me. If he is faster, he would use Mean Look first and I can't flee. But, if you have a gastly level 1-48, I will be faster and flee all the way to a different route! So level up your Gastly and catch me if you can!How to catch cresselia without making it flee?
    Get a master ball. There is no other way.
    the BEST way to get it is using a


    ...its ability makes the rival pokemon NOT

    able to switch or runaway

    GET ONE....then catch cressealia

    u can use a master ball.

    if u don't have any, try puting it to sleep with a pokemon with a high speed and capture it like u would a legendary pokemon. or attack it each time u c it,(don't kill it) and when it's hp is low throw pokeballs, eventually u will get it. good luck!
    thats cuz sometimes when you switch your ghastly with another pokemon the mean look wears off. or it's just is so i reccomend you use a master ball or get wobuffet with the ability shadow tag. that how made cresselia not run away
    i'd use a pokemon thats strong (capable of taking hits) and knows the move mean look.
    I can fight her but you have to use a mean look on her

    What about the process of making soy protein powder, are any nutrients lost?

    Some processes use alcohol, is there any alcohol left in the powder?What about the process of making soy protein powder, are any nutrients lost?
    Omg scammer reported!What about the process of making soy protein powder, are any nutrients lost?
    No alcohol left. It is used as a solvent and is evaporated.

    If you are a guy avoid soy protein powders and use whey or casein powder instead. Non fermented soy messes up a guys hormones.

    If you buy from a legit company like EAS you get what it says on the label. Nutrients are lost in processing, like fiber, but you are buying protein powder to supplement your protein intake, not a whole food. If you want whole unadulterated protein foods eat soy beans, meats or cottage cheese. Other nutrient are added to the base protein to make the protein either more complete or better absorbed.
    Alcohol is a liquid at room temperature so unless they've magically found a way to make alcohol powder, no there isn't any left in the protein powder.

    How much are Insurance csr making in Spokane Wa area?

    Insurance people that are not lisenced are called csrs. My property/casualty Lic has lapsed. So to get back in the bus. I

    will have to start at a lower wage. I would like to know what is a

    going wage.How much are Insurance csr making in Spokane Wa area?
    First off, there are many CSR's that ARE licensed in many different states. A CSR is just a title that means Customer Service Representative. Secondly, if you are a good agent with a lot of experience, I am sure any agency that is willing to hire you in any capacity would be willing to pay for you to re-take the licensing exam so why not just look for a job doing whatever you were doing before and ask them to pay for you to re-take the test?

    Good luck to you!

    Does anyone have ideas for making a lighthouse centerpiece?

    I am getting married, and part of our decor is going to be lighthouse centerpieces. I need to get ideas for making them. We have a lighthouse here, Turkey Point Lighthouse in MD, that is where my fiance proposed, and I want the centerpieces to look like that. It's really simple, just a black top with white tower. Does anyone have any ideas or know where I can get plans to build one? Not anything huge, just a 8';-10'; one.Does anyone have ideas for making a lighthouse centerpiece?
    pvc thin wall pipe and christmas clearance battery operated small lites, a little paint or elect tape , maybe tacky sounding , but this might get your creative fluid pumpingDoes anyone have ideas for making a lighthouse centerpiece?
    A hobby and craft store. will have hard clay models that you paint yourself.

    What are the benefits of making data private in Object Oriented programming?

    My teacher wants to know 4 out of the 6 benefits of it but i cant seem to find them in the book or around the webz at all.

    Can anybody help? It should be related to pseudocode or any other form of programming.

    thankz babezzWhat are the benefits of making data private in Object Oriented programming?
    1 : stops other classes directly accessing and interfering with data from that class.

    2 : restricts accidental access

    3 : it enables a structure of data hierarchy

    4 : restricts inheritance and aggregationWhat are the benefits of making data private in Object Oriented programming?
    1. Reduces coupling - Your code may break if other code's implementation changes.


    class Bar { int size; }

    class Foo { void method() { new Bar().size; } }

    Your code will break if the member ';size'; is removed from bar. You should use accessor methods. Now, take for example

    class Bar { private int size; public int getSize(){return size;}}

    class Foo { void method() { new Bar().getSize(); } }

    Now you can do whatever you want to ';Bar'; as long as it doesn't remove getSize(). Ultimately, by making your members private your forced to use accessor methods and your code will be more maintainable when your forced to make implementation changes.

    2. Encapsulation - Programmers can't see implementation details. Hackers can easily break your code.They might be able to find a loop hole in your code.

    Consider the following code:

    class Example {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    Outer.Inner in = new Outer().new Inner();




    class Outer {

    private int member;

    class Inner {

    void changePrivateMember() {

    member = -1;




    The inner class or its method should have been private.

    3. Enforces data integrity - Programmers can change your data freely.
    Declaring some of the object's fields private prevents them from being modified directly by code using the object. Private fields can only be modified by the object's methods. This gives you the freedom to change how the object stores its data later on and still maintain compatibility with existing code.

    I have a question about making fruit salad?

    I made some the other day using Fresh oranges, fresh apples, celery, whip cream, cherries, and canned pineapples (well drained) so the day I made it, it tasted good but the next day OMG the oranges taste very tangy! Any advice on how I can make it better next time? I have a question about making fruit salad?
    I understand your problem here, the acidity from you oranges opened up and with the combination of your other ingredients, you need some different fruits to balance that out and to soak that up. Cantaloupe, Honeydew, bananas, strawberries, are thicker fruits that have a solid core and will balance out that acidity, your canned pineapples have lost their zing with the canning process but are still a good addition. You could also buy Orange Segments to alleviate this problem next time and follow your original recipe and not have this tangy situation. Did you cut your cherries in half or leave them whole? You would be amazed at the difference in taste with cutting them in half. So, I hope this options help you to make a wonderful Fruit Salad next time that you will enjoy. Creating a great dish is a process so it's good that you're wanting to make it better and noticed that tang, you're in touch with your taste buds and have an intelligent palate. Happy Holidays to you! I have a question about making fruit salad?
    I forgot to say to add the bananas at the last possible moment, right before serving or eating. They will turn brown eventually, it's the oxidation process once you peel the skin off the fruit. Report Abuse

    Use a sweeter variety of orange or slice your oranges ahead of time, toss them in sugar and let them sit for about 10 minutes before adding them to your salad.
    strawberries,kiwi,grapes, and bananas with strawberry glaze
  • beauty facial
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  • Why do I have trouble making eye contact with people?

    I'm a pretty outgoing person, but for some reason I find making eye contact really intense. I'll make brief contact, but I tend to move my eyes around a lot. What does this mean?Why do I have trouble making eye contact with people?
    not very confident in yourselfWhy do I have trouble making eye contact with people?
    This is a very common problem! A lot of people, eye contact makes them uncomfortable. But it's not really a problem for most of the people you talk to.

    Sometimes you can come off as insincere or even deceptive if you don't look right into peoples' eyes when you talk to them. It's not so hard for people who know you but sometimes you want to make an impression on a total stranger--like in a job interview. One trick is to stare at the bridge of their nose, -between- their eyes, and it looks to them like you're looking into their eyes.

    There used to be a guy I worked with who would look over my shoulder when he was talking to me. It bothered me at first, just a little, but I got to know him and he was a great guy.

    Also, if you watch someone when they're talking to someone else and looking in their eyes, you see their eyes go back and forth, from one eye to the other! When someone is really trying to be honest and sincere, they do this. It makes their eyes look shifty, I think. 8^)
    I don't think that's so bad. I get a little weirded out when I'm talking to somebody, and they stare into my eyes for THE ENTIRE CONVERSATION. I find it much more comfortable when they make brief contact every so often, like you do. Otherwise it feels like they're trying to see into my soul or something.
    A lot of people do this. It's quite common. It just shows that you get uncomfortable in awkward situations and when someone is looking right back at you, you tend to feel a little weird. I used to be the same way, so don't worry about it.
    obviously your uncomfotable? are you confident? that has alot to do with it. Just keep in mind you prob have beautiful eyes, so show em off

    How can I loose weight making a healthy lifestyle change?

    I yoyo dieted for the last 4 yeas and last August I just gave up and overate everyday like a pig. Now I'm 5'6 ans weigh 160 lbs. I'm NEVER dieting agin, insead I just want to make a healthy life style change. RIght now I working on eating no sugar, and next will be to be more careful with portion control. AM I doing this right?How can I loose weight making a healthy lifestyle change?
    Like you said, you can't diet, you must change your eating habits. Some things you can do is not completely cut out sugar, but tone it down and try to use Splenda when you can. You would be amazed by what comes sugar free that is still delicious! For example, when you order let's say a latte at Starbucks, you can get non-fat, sugar free latte. It tastes just as good!! Some other things that can help your diet is spray butter (no calories, no sodium, no fat) instead of loading on the fattening stuff. There are many other things that you can do that cuts out calories here or there (email me if you want more!). Another thing that helped me was to schedule eating every 4 hours. It maintains your metabolism and keeps you not hungry for fats! Hope it works for you!How can I loose weight making a healthy lifestyle change?
    Check out and some of their articles. The free website helps you make a healthy lifestyle and provide a great support system.
    you know you will never be able to get over that sugar tooth.

    Eat sugar but eat it once a week. See how much you can control yourself.
    just work out 3 or 4 times a week and cut back on sugar..

    losing weight = burning more calories than you take in

    What are some good manga making programs?


    i have a mac laptop, an i have photoshop on it right now, what some good programs? What are some good manga making programs?
    Photoshop is still your best option, but try these user-friendly softwares:

    +Manga Studio鈥?/a>

    +Comic Life

    Why won't my wireless for Pokemon Pearl work for contests and poffin making?

    Me and my friend really wanna try the wireless contest and/or make poffins together, but the wireless connection never seems to work. Do we need to do something special? She lives in Florida and I'm from Wisconsin, but we can always do wireless battles and trades together so I don't get why the other wireless things won't work. Does anyone know?Why won't my wireless for Pokemon Pearl work for contests and poffin making?
    ho dude you can't with poffin or contest because they don't use wi-fi just wireless so you can only do that next to each other only battles and trading and gts uses wi-fi i know that sucks.

    How do I go about making a website?

    I want to make a website for business but have no idea how to go about it. Any ideas or tips would be great!How do I go about making a website?
    3 ways

    1) Do it yourself - Get a copy of MS Frontpage or Dreamweaver and spend a few days learning - lots of free tutorials in the internet

    2) Hire somebody to make it- can cost a few hundred bucks for somebody to do a template site up to much more

    3) To just play around - get a free account at Geocities

    and you can put up a free webpage that is hosted on their servers. Not the best idea if you want to do a pro business - but it is easy and free to play around with just to get ideas

    Hosting for your website should be cheap - no more than $5-10 a month - I use site5 they have been pretty good to me do I go about making a website?
    Depend on your business. If it is an entertainment business your web site must be soo cute and professional. If you are giving high end service it must be professional.

    Study layout and appearance of the web site which provide same business solution like yours. Dreamweaver is good software product. But there are many.

    If you are starting romantic or dating web site this is a good domain name for you.
    I don't know what your business ideas or interests are. I can tell you about my experience on building a website for my business. My wife and I have built a business online through a program online that helps you to design a website around your desires. This program has helped us to develop a website that is ranking high on the search engines like Yahoo and Google. These high rankings are bringing targeted traffic to our website for free. The program will also help to spark some ideas for a business if you don't already have one in mind. I would be happy to answer any questions about this program if you would like to send me a message. You can also read more about it and see an example of my project through my Yahoo Answers Profile page. I hope this helps.

    I have recently joined a business which not only enables you to easily build your own website without any technical skills, but also provides a powerful business opportunity with global earning potential, and the possibility of establishing a realistic residual income.

    I highly recommend that you take a few minutes to review the following videos:

    Shorter video

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    Best regards,


    What is the best money making home-based business from google?

    I would like to make a legitimate living from home.If Google isn't the answer then what would be some other really good ways to make money online?What is the best money making home-based business from google?
    I tried over 15 opportunities in the course of 2 years so I have some great information for you plus a list of top 10 work at home scams!

    I am a single mother of two little girls who are actually tugging on my arm as I write this so I will try to be brief. Many people are looking for work from home companies. All the scams definitely create a big problem but also, there is a problem of people misunderstanding the difference between work from home ';jobs'; and work from home opportunities. There really are not work from home “jobs”. To get that you have to start working for a company in their offices first, then they MAY allow you to take the job home.

    Most of the work from home opportunities that are legitimate offers are not an hourly pay type job. They are business opportunities that help you in starting your own business from your home. What you should do first is to decide if you are simply looking for an hourly rate type job or if you are looking for more of an opportunity for additional income such as what you would make in your own business being your own boss from home. Small home businesses have some small costs involved, less than $500 to start is reasonable and I would stay away from those wanting $1000-$5000. It doesn’t cost that much to start and run a home business so you shouldn’t pay it.

    If you are coming across places that say free then I would RUN don’t walk the other way! They never are. I tried them many a times and 3 weeks later I had to buy this and 6 weeks later that. After 6 months these “free businesses” had cost me over $800 on average.

    After trying 15 things I now work about 18-25 hours per week for a National Medical Healthcare Company. This is a nationally known and reputable home business which is what you need to make sure you are looking for. I have been with the company almost two years now and I make over $3500 a month! In your first month, depending on how many hours you can work, I have seen people make anywhere from $500 to over $1000. And your income will increase each month because you get paid residual income as well. This is where you do the work once, but every month when your customer pays their monthly bill, you get your commission again. Again and again, month after month, year after year. That’s called residual income.

    The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit, life insurance and a benefits package most of which you get from day one. In addition, there are no products, no hard selling or pushing, no cold calling, no home parties and no telemarketing! That was VERY important to me. I absolutely love working with them and I can't believe I am making what I am making and in so few hours per week. The neat thing is there are other people on your team that you work with so you are never alone. You have great team support and you get to know the other people on your team pretty well. I’ve made some great friends working with this company.

    I was a bit apprehensive at first because I know a lot of companies are not legit but this company is the number one National Medical Benefits Company in the US. They are a member of the US Chamber of Commerce, and the National Association of Dental Plans and the owner of the company actually sits on the board of The Consumer Health Alliance to which we are also members. Also they were featured in “The New York Times”, “Wall Street Journal” “Time Magazine” “American Medical Review” and even in the May 2008 issue of “Parents Magazine”. Even “60 Minutes” did a big special on this home based business.

    Even more then all this is they are accepted at over 100,000 retailers nationwide. These are fortune 500 companies like Sears, Target, K-mart, Rite Aid, CVS, Wal-mart, Publix and more. These companies would never work with a company that was anything less than reputable.

    You can research the company at

    TOP 10 WORK AT HOME SCAMS: ( I learned the hard way, you don’t have to!)

    10. Craft Assembly

    9. Medical Billing

    8. Email/Rebate Processing

    7. ';A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!';

    6. ';Just pay for and take this class first” Then we’ll give or find you a job!

    5. Envelope Stuffing

    4. ';Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!';

    3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)

    2. Chain Letters/Emails (';Make Money Fast';)

    1. Typing At Home / Data Entry (HUGE SCAM)

    Please beware of these scams. There are some legit home businesses out there so be careful. Look for companies in business over 10 years. Look for companies with a needed product or service, something you would be proud to represent. Look for companies that have a national reputation and are members of the US Chamber of Commerce.

    As for those of you who say…..”I want to work from home but I don’t want to have to pay for anything”. Well, that’s great! But it will never happen. Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If iWhat is the best money making home-based business from google?
    I make quite a lot of money selling ebooks. You can either setup your own website selling them or sell them on sites like eBay, Tradebit etc.

    Find yourself either a PLR (Private Label Rights) or MRR (Master Resell Rights) package and make sure the products aren't really old.

    You can learn a lot by reading some of these ebooks about Blogging, Article Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Getting Traffic.

    Checkout this package of resell rights products (I think there's like 100 products plus bonuses).

    Download all the ebooks and then put them up on sites like eBay, Tradebit, PayLoadz etc.

    Also look into Niche Marketing. This is when you sell to a particular group of people. So for example you could sell ebooks about Cooking to people interested in cooking.

    You can get a similar package of resell rights products targeting Niche markets on the same site...…

    Whatever you do, stick at it. Don't just give up because it seems hard work. If you keep at it you will eventually start making good money!

    Hope this helps :)
    I started using an awesome site about a year ago. It is absolutely Free and I have made money so far! You should try it! It is the best and honest paying website ever. You don't need to wait for days,weeks or even months for payments.

    You receive payments instantly.

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    That is a very good question, I would love to know the answer to that myself. Wish I had an answer for you, sorry.
    Hello bamanony ,

    Go here:

    Nothing beats being coached by a multi millionaire :)

    good luck
    hello, check out There explains several ways of making money online.
    If you don't believe hypes and want it real, I suggest you try the most honest online business ever created. Legit and free to join.…
    This one no doubt! Because it will teach you how to become a successful affiliate and learn about internet marketing!
  • beauty facial
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  • What is a good font to use on the ouija board I am making?

    Please include a link if it's a font on the internet.What is a good font to use on the ouija board I am making?
    Metal Macabre 2.0鈥?/a>What is a good font to use on the ouija board I am making?
    If it is something you are making and you believe that if you use it you will be able to contact the spirit world and such, you should go with what you feel is the right font to use.

    This is because as you are making it with these beliefs in mind you are putting your energy into the object making it work. And as such it should be completely made by what you feel is right for it.

    Gothic is always good for that
    Use a basic serif font like Times. It's easier to read than sans serif like Helvetica.
    The one where you throw it out. You shouldn't play with those things! At best it is silliness, at worse it can lead to problems.
    the one that has little curlys at the end of each letter.
    Maybe you should do it hand made. In pretty cursive. I'm really artistic and this might be too hard for people.鈥?/a>
    i would recommend you to not play the damn possessed thing, it's dangerous.

    you aren't going to like what it does a few days or weeks later after you play it.

    don't mess with it.
    please dont use things like that u do know what ur getting into

    My natural gas lines in my basement rattle and make pinging sounds. What could be making these sounds?

    The noise sounds like things rattling inside the pipes. Could there be sediments in the line?My natural gas lines in my basement rattle and make pinging sounds. What could be making these sounds?
    All you need to do is secure the lines to the joists like they should have been to begin with. You can buy straps for this at any home improvement store. I agree too that you should make sure that it isn't your water lines instead of the gas lines. Sediment in the lines would not cause any noise, all of your gas appliances have sediment traps in the lines.My natural gas lines in my basement rattle and make pinging sounds. What could be making these sounds?
    Are you sure they are your natural gas lines? I have heard of water pipes making rattling and pinging noises and I know that pipes that carry hot water to your radiators or baseboard heat making sounds, but not natural gas lines.

    How would i go about making my own Operating System?

    I am a interested in creating my own operating system? I think of it as an experiment. I am a programing student currently learning Java and C++.How would i go about making my own Operating System?
    You can build something on top of a DOS boot.How would i go about making my own Operating System?
    Boy, have I got the other guy that you need....
    well you could start by getting linux its freebased OS that you can modify. it would be a good spot to start
    Learn machine code and all about the hardware and how it works. Then try.

    Is it right for an insurance company to ask for your financial details when making a claim?

    I had a boat stolen recently and am in the middle of making an insurance claim. They have assigned a private investigator to the case and he has asked to see all my banking details. Are they allowed to do this? It's confidential information that i would rather not disclose. Thanks in advance.Is it right for an insurance company to ask for your financial details when making a claim?
    Yes, they have the right to do this. It is part of their investigation. They will first determine if you had anything to do with the ';theft'; of the boat. If you are not involved, then they will advance the investigation. The reason they are doing this is because it wouldn't be the first time someone made their boat disappear to get out from under it. Not saying you are guilty, just pointing out that these are often insurance fraud cases.Is it right for an insurance company to ask for your financial details when making a claim?
    Yes they are allowed to do this. If you read your policy it tells you that you must cooperate in the investigation and provide any documentation they ask for.

    With the economy tanking, the rate of fake theft claims has risen sharply so companies look at all sorts of things to make sure the claim is legit. They want to look at the banking records for two things. 1) your general financial condition and 2) any deposits for amounts near the amount of the value of the boat.

    If the claim is legit you have nothing to worry about. If the claim is not they will deny the claim and possibly, but not likely, prosecute.
    Damn right it is. Either cooperate or have your claim DENIED and your policy canceled. It's right there in black and white in the policy.
    Yes, they can do this. They are investigating to make sure no fraud occurred. If you do not co-operate, they will not settle

    Can you fix bad credit in ways other than getting new credit and making on time payments?

    I see where you can ';purchase'; programs in which you can gain 100 points on your credit score in 30 days. Is this just a scam, or are their programs that really help restore credit quicker than just building it in the normal fashion?Can you fix bad credit in ways other than getting new credit and making on time payments?
    scamCan you fix bad credit in ways other than getting new credit and making on time payments?
    there is no such thing as a quick credit cure. if you developed bad credit it's going to take a lot of effort on your part to convince credit rating companies that you have improved.

    To fix yoru credit, pay bills on time, live within yoru means, and only use charge cards in emergencies. Pay cash for most everything (or check, or debit)

    You may also consider adding a bit of an explanation to your credit report. Say if ';so and so hospital'; says you are late, you could add a short statemnt saying you were still ill an unable to pay bills on time then, or whatever. Wont' affect your score, though.
    That's a scam.

    Things You Can Do To Build Good Credit:

    *Make all payments on time. (Actually, most cards give you a grace period, especially if you pay them in full. Don't count on it, though.)

    *Build positive credit, but not too much. (Don't have more than 3 or 4 cards. Preferably don't have a line of credit more than 10% of your annual income, if possible.)

    *If you have old infractions on a card, do not close it until you have held it in good standing for at LEAST a year. Preferably three years or more.

    *If you have infractions with a company, they can remove the mark on your credit. If you have paid it off or started making regular payments, feel free to write them a letter, tell them your sob story, etc. It might not get you anywhere, but sometimes, they'll be nice. You never know until you try!

    Good luck with your credit score. Like most things, there is no quick fix, though.
    My mom bought me a book by a man called Benjamin Dover (that really is his name, I am not jokeing)

    It gives a lot of REALLY good advice we ALL should know about the world of credit. It is not a complicated book, it is made for regular folks like us. The info in it will be of value for your entire life.

    I had to buy a replacement copy because mine was always lent out.

    He has a website


    I really suggest it to EVERYONE.

    Watch out for the weird programs you see advertised. I have seen a lot of people on the SUZE ORMAN show that made things WORSE by trying those Shyster companies.

    Good Luck!!!!
    becareful buying those programs

    get a mortgage broker or a financial consultant to help you get going in the right direction they will charge about 50 bucks go over the credit report from all 3 major agencys then you can take their advice from there. Just did all of this and I am already up 4 points in 3 months

    Ok so im thinking of making a strawberry shortcake or boston cream pie.?

    What is the best recipe for a cake batter that will go well with both of those?Ok so im thinking of making a strawberry shortcake or boston cream pie.?
    Chiffon cake would work well with both. I love that Bavarian Cream Filling in the Boston Cream pie too...Ok so im thinking of making a strawberry shortcake or boston cream pie.?
    Maybe angel food cake. For shortcake I use biscuits with a bit more sugar in. Boston cream pie is more like cake.
    A plain vanilla cake will do both recipes. Buy a cake mix, it's easier.
  • beauty facial
  • wrinkle treatment
  • What is wrong with creating making a password reset disk?

    When I use the ';create a password reset disk'; in the control panal, it says, ';please insert a disk into the drive.'; There is one already in the drive and it is brand new. (DVD+R) What is wrong with it?What is wrong with creating making a password reset disk?
    Are you sure you've got a DVD-rw; or maybe a CD/DVD combo (which would only read/write to CD's, and read DVD's?

    If it's DVD RW, you may have to resort to the DVD burn application for that: look in Start%26gt; All Programs%26gt; (your DVD brand%26gt; utilities)

    Another question related to the making of tiramisu, what about chocolate covered ladyfingers?

    Hello everyone,

    I had one last question to ask about tiramisu. I made the (unfortunate) mistake of buying chocolate covered lady fingers, sold under the Cadbury brand. Can I use these thin, measly sticks for tiramisu? Do the ladyfingers have to be chocolate-free and thicker than half a cm?

    Thanks very much,

    AvAnother question related to the making of tiramisu, what about chocolate covered ladyfingers?
    I would not use them. You should use plain ones.

    Any sponge is good.

    I have a question about making a design for the background of my website?

    Is this possible?...... I want to use several different scrap book papers to create a collage sort of design and use that as the background on my web site.

    Also, would that be illegal? I would be using scrap book paper that someone else designed. It would be used on a website that is for profit. Would I be required to pay the designer something even though I have cut up their design and created my own artwork?

    I don't want to get sued or do anything shady.I have a question about making a design for the background of my website?
    Yes; you will need permission and or buy rights for use.

    general rule is if you didn't make 100% of the images being used then you probably will have to buy a license.

    so even if you made the collage the photo rights are owned by someone else and therefor you are liable to pay the owner.I have a question about making a design for the background of my website?
    Making copies of someone else's work without their permission is usually illegal unless it falls under what's called ';fair use'; - a site discussing music styles can use a few bars of the Secretary Song to demonstrate what syncopation is, an article about writing styles can quote a small part of a work to demonstrate its style. Using the content FOR its content is a violation of copyright. It doesn't matter whether your site is for profit or not. If you didn't design it yourself, get permission.
    If you want to add me on AIM, its rjsrjs11. Im online, just invisible.

    I design and code websites as my job.

    I can help you out and answer anything needed on chat

    What kind of coupons should I put in my boyfriends coupon book i'm making him for Christmas?

    We've been together for a year and we're both 18 years old. We are pretty serious about this relationship. There can be naughty ideas and cute and creative things. Your help is greatly appreciated!What kind of coupons should I put in my boyfriends coupon book i'm making him for Christmas?
    -home coked meal

    -kiss every time he says your name that day

    -mountain of hugs

    -cuddling while you watch his favourite movie

    -';hunny the guys want me to go out tonight';

    -giant smooch (with toung)

    -FREE COUPON (whatever he wants)What kind of coupons should I put in my boyfriends coupon book i'm making him for Christmas?
    - 1 hr back rub

    - A weeks worth of having control over the TV remote, when you're together

    - 1 home cooked meal, (by you of course)

    - A couple of coupons allowing him to choose the activity on dates and things.

    Hope these helped!
    this is good to do a night of whatever you to do!!

    What are some tips for making new friends freshman year of high school?

    I have met some really nice ppl from soccer but im kindof shy? help!What are some tips for making new friends freshman year of high school?
    join as many things as possible... i was in soccer, cheerleading, JROTC, drama, SADD bible club and interact, and student council while in school..... i was always busy but i had SO many friends and it made high school worth every minute... just be yourself and dont care what other people have to say about you... you will find the people that like you for you and they are the ones you will be friends with forever.... high school is a big place and there are so many different types of people that honestly you will have no problem making friends... i guarantee it!! good luck and cherish this time.... it'll be over before you know it!!!What are some tips for making new friends freshman year of high school?
    1. Take a deep breath. You shouldn't be so nervous, you're just going to a new school. Remember that in your new school you will find kids your age. You're going to meet people like you there. Don't stare at others before you get to know them.

    2. Be yourself! Never change who you are to try and fit in. If your friends don't accept you for you, they're not really friends.

    3. Be hygienic. Nothing makes a worse first impression than a whiff of B.O. or bad breath that could knock someone over. Shower daily, wear deodorant, brush your teeth, and wash your hair . Designer clothes aren't everything, but look neat. It can make you seem friendlier and more approachable.

    4. Be inviting. A smile goes a long way. When you walk in the halls, don't hunch over your books or keep your eyes on the floor. Stick your chin up and make eye contact with other people. If you see someone you know, give a smile or say hi. Introduce yourself. Tell them your name and where you're from. Ask a question: ';What do you do for fun?'; Chat about the new school. Let your guard down, and be approachable!

    5. Make the first move. Anywhere, in the bathroom, near your locker, or at the water fountain, you can find someone that has things in common with you, all you need is to know how to approach them. Strike up a conversation, smile and compliment them, and, of course, introduce yourself and tell them where you came from! You never know where you can find a nice friend.

    6. Do something nice for someone. Save someone a seat. Say ';hi'; in the hall. Give congratulations for a job well done. Pay a compliment: ';I like your backpack.';

    7. Join more after school activities you like. Choir or theater or hang around for a French club meeting, etc. Even if you don't know anyone there, you'll all share a common interest, and you can experience with different personalities from yours that have the same interest!

    8. Look out for others in your grade. You're probably not the only one and at the very least, you'll have one thing in common: you're both in an unfamiliar environment. The good news is, if you are starting at a new school in startup year, almost everyone is new! Since being new is something that you all have in common, making new friends shouldn't be that hard. Talk about your old school, your new school, your opinions, grades, teachers, etc.

    9. Don't sit at the back of the class where other people dont notice you! Try to sit in the middle where your around everyone and can make conversation.

    10. Be confident, smile, HAVE FUN! =)
    Simple. Just ';steal'; the new kids before someone else gets them. They will do anything to get friends, usually. Plus, they usually just become outcasts.

    Where do I start in making a trebuchet?

    I have to build a trebuchet in my physics class we have to launch a whiffle ball 5 meters. What sort of formula's would I need to use? What materials would be better to use PVC pipe or wood? Any tips?Where do I start in making a trebuchet?
    type it into google there loads of sites that tel you how to do thisWhere do I start in making a trebuchet?
    okay, I've never done joinery or anything of the sort in my life, unless you count the most basic in wood tech... but i have seen trebuchets, and tried to build one before..... out of twigs and sellotape though, so im sure you can guess how horrifically wrong it went.... :S

    but i would suggest you used wood to build, because i can imagine it being easier than pvc to construct. no idea about the formula's, but i do know that the weight at the end has to be way heavier than the arm, and the payload. the heavier it is, the more kinetic energy is made, and the further the ball travels, before losing momentum.

    unless you are using your hands to push the throwing arm, in which case the experiment is unfair, as it becomes a test of each person's personal strength.

    this might help you with your designing........鈥?/a> - i think you will have to build it a *little* larger....鈥?/a>

    Distance won't be a problem, you can easily adjust the distance by varying the mass used to power the sling.
    you can buy a kit from ebay...only took a few hours 2 build just the glue that takes long.
  • beauty facial
  • wrinkle treatment
  • What are my chances of making it in to major league baseball?

    I am a 14 year old utility player. I am 6'0ft 160lbs and I bat 3rd or 5th. I am a power hitter. But I cant run very fast. 60 yard dash in 10sec. Please help me find this answer.What are my chances of making it in to major league baseball?
    like 1 in a millionWhat are my chances of making it in to major league baseball?
    Good news. The MLB has so many upcoming Olympics teams that

    you could possibly go into the touring world USA team to be

    first to visit the Peace Office in one of 20 american airlines sites.

    Though on the homefront, just this year I placed 450 farm

    players during college with scholarship options. In the last

    3 years 1600. Farm team is a must. 5 years is recommended.

    So first of all realize some very great players got on farm teams

    near their homes while 14 years old! Best age to enter is 16.

    Skills needed however are somewhat relative to local needs of

    their roster. Keep tabs of a variety of local farm teams. Use

    your skills to swing solid contact and field with cricket like cover

    of your field position. Have to be good to make the starters.
    Probably not that good. being a utility player at 14 is like striving for the wild card in May. Now that might be o k for the Cubs, but usually not for a real major league team

    Or like being a high school designated hitter.... because the coach doesnt think you are smart or dedicated enough to learn to field
    . that big
    2% chance
    If ur ok. You have a one and 1,000,000 chance

    If ur good. You have a one and 100,000 chance

    If ur really good. You have a one and 5,000 chance.

    If ur the best on youre team and make the varsity and are the top 2 you have a one and 1,000 chance.

    Good Luck. Work hard!
    Almost zero. Your speed is so slow that you'd probably get thrown out on a single to right field.
    Don't want to be Debbie Downer here, but of the players who get DRAFTED, 2% make it into the Bigs. Keep playing, but keep things in perspective. Focus on education and let the rest happen for itself. You have a better shot at becoming a brain surgeon than you do playing Major League Baseball.

    What are the steps to making this decimal a percent?

    The decimal is 3.62, if you cannot do that, please help with 13.08. Thanks for the help. Be sure to show me all the steps needed to find the answer.What are the steps to making this decimal a percent?
    To make a decimal a percent move the decimal over two places to the right.



    I'd like to start making money in Second Life.What would be the best way to go about this?

    I'm looking into Second Life and seeing that there are people making a lot of money on there. What would be your advice to make some serious lolly on there. Is it just a case of buying up land, building fancy property on there and selling it on or are there other ways?I'd like to start making money in Second Life.What would be the best way to go about this?
    I'll list everything (or try to). You can email me at if you want details on any or all of these:

    Sell Things Like:









    Real Estate/Land




    You can Offer Services like:





    Escorting (prostitution)

    Logo Design

    Dance (at strip clubs)

    Body guard


    Make Sounds/music/sfx


    Police (these people are just griefers 99.99% of the time)

    Its just about anything you can think of in RL that would be practical in a virtual world. Most of the services i lists are completly useless. Like police, because they are just regular players that dress up in outfits and just bother people

    The best way to make money out of what i listed is:

    Selling Clothes

    Selling Genitals

    Selling Real Estate

    Selling Skin (not really so greta because there has recently been a ton of them with the same skins because of a program that lets you steal textues from anywhere in the game. The program is widely known also. So selling skins and texture only clothes is risky.)

    Good money makers in the services include:

    Custom building (getting clients is hard if you dont have a really well known team, and getting established is hard)

    Custom scripting (people are always looking for scripters)

    Custom Animations (people can make good money for making smoothe animations because a lot stuff mainly weapons call for them.

    I could go on forever, but I think you get the picture. Theres about 3 days worth of stuff i can tell you, so you can just email me if you need more info.I'd like to start making money in Second Life.What would be the best way to go about this?
    heres a good place to start Report Abuse;ttp=3 here you can sell and advertise for some buck's i just started. You can sell Weight loss pills and Advertise Casino,Penis enlargment (trust me you'll get money for that) and advertise wealth creation Report Abuse

    I'm in Second Life and I'm a non paying resident. The only way's i no about is either look in the classified for jobs going which is in the search section. the other is called camping but thats boring if no body chats and the most I've found is L$3 for 15mins. Your best bet is to just ask around there are alot of helpful people.

    Sorry if i cant be of anymore help
    open up a genital shop.
    A million ways but all you need is desire.The desire to earn and a goal to achieve thats all.Money is everywhere.Right now writing this can also make money but only if i desire too.

    For now the best thing is to start where you have your interest.

    Just dont worry with out comes,a correct knowledge and desire are the only 2 things u need.

    So just start.

    How do you get your cat to stop scratching her scabs off and making herself bleed?

    Now she has a big bloody spot on the back of her neck and wont stop scratching it. I'm afraid to put her collar back on until it's fully healed, but then she has no identification. It's not going to fully heal unless she stops scratching, bringing me to this question.

    Again, if you have any reasonable answers, I would be delighted to read them.How do you get your cat to stop scratching her scabs off and making herself bleed?
    Please start with trip to the vet. It could be that she is allergic to the collar (not uncommon especially with flea collars) or it bothers her in some other way. BTW, I think microchipping is the best way to deal with the identification issue -- especially if she ditches the collar.

    It could be that she is having some sort of general allergic response in which case they might use predinosone.

    I would avoid putting on her collar for the time being. I also don't think the elizabethan collar would help given that she is scrathing the area not biting it.How do you get your cat to stop scratching her scabs off and making herself bleed?
    Of course I would suggest taking her to the Vet to see why she's doing this, usually it's because of anxiety or undue stress that a cat opens her own skin.

    Until then I would reccomend putting soft paws on her:

    They're amazing, I use them on my kitty and he doesn't even bother with them they're so natural for him. They don't reccomend putting it on the back claws, however in this case you may want to until your kitty's better, I would just suggest not letting her outdoors for the time being since she would then have no way to defend herself. Sorry to hear about her! Poor girl.
    An E-collar
    have you tryed an elizabeth collar that way she wont be able to scratch it or any thing else that way it can heal on its own

    Making Crab Cakes need a quick recipe for sauce to go with?

    I need a quick and good sauce that is most popular to pour/dip crab cakes in Thanks!Making Crab Cakes need a quick recipe for sauce to go with?
    Remoulade Sauce Recipe

    The perfect complement for your crab cakes or shrimp.

    1/2 cup red bell peppers, chopped

    1/4 cup scallions, chopped

    1/4 cup Dijonnaise mustard

    2 tablespoons shallots, chopped

    2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

    2 tablespoons honey

    1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

    salt %26amp; pepper

    Process all ingredients in the food processor fitted with a steel blade until vegetables are finely chopped.

    Season with salt and pepper; chill until ready to use.

    10 minute start to finish.Making Crab Cakes need a quick recipe for sauce to go with?
    Lemon Pepper Dill Sauce for Crab Cakes

    Juice from 1 lemon

    2 Tbsp Mayo

    1 Tbsp Dill spice

    Mix in a blow and you've got it!


    You can pick some up at the grocery store.

    2 Tbsp Mayo

    Hot Sauce (to taste %26amp; spice)

    mix and you've got sauce, nice and quick.
    equal parts chili sauce and mayo.

    The secret to the crisp coating in this recipe? Crushed potato chips.

    1 3/4 cups Chardonnay or other dry white wine

    1/3 cup chopped shallots

    1 cup whipping cream

    1 1/2 pounds crabmeat, drained (about 4 cups)

    2 1/2 cups finely crushed potato chips

    1 1/4 cups fresh breadcrumbs made from French bread

    1 7.25-ounce jar roasted red peppers, drained, coarsely chopped

    1/2 cup thinly sliced green onions

    2 large eggs

    2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill

    1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

    1 tablespoon whole grain mustard

    1 tablespoon mayonnaise

    1/4 cup (about) vegetable oil

    Boil wine and shallots in heavy medium saucepan until mixture is reduced to 1/2 cup, about 10 minutes. Add cream and boil until liquid is reduced to sauce consistency, about 10 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

    Mix crabmeat, 1/2 cup crushed potato chips, breadcrumbs and next 7 ingredients in large bowl until well blended. Using 1/4 cupful crab mixture for each cake, form mixture into sixteen 2 1/2-inch-diameter cakes. (Can be prepared 6 hours ahead. Cover sauce and crab cakes separately and refrigerate. Rewarm sauce over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, before serving.) Place remaining potato chips in shallow dish. Press each cake into chips, turning to coat evenly.

    Heat 2 tablespoons oil in heavy large skillet over medium-high heat. Working in batches, add crab cakes to skillet and cook until golden brown and heated through, adding more oil as necessary, about 5 minutes per side. Transfer crab cakes to paper-towel-lined plate to drain.

    Place 2 crab cakes on each plate; spoon sauce around crab cakes and then serve immediately.

    Serves 8 as a first-course.

    Bon App茅tit

    If you have relish, you can make your own tarter sauce by mixing it w mayo.


    2 tablespoons sour cream

    1/4 cup mayonnaise

    1/4 cup cocktail sauce

    2 teaspoons horseradish

    Combine all together in a small bowl.
    Remoulade is a good choice but the first one has no mayo. No mayo, no remoulade!!

    Cajun Remoulade Sauce Recipe #88576

    Spicy! Similar to Remoulade Sauce at Rutherford Grill (Napa Valley) for dipping their smoked artichokes. Also excellent for crab cakes and anything fried.

    by Remoulader

    18 oz

    15 min 15 min prep

    2 cups mayonnaise

    2 tablespoons catsup

    2 tablespoons mustard (cajun or deli style)

    1 tablespoon parsley (chopped fresh)

    1 tablespoon cayenne pepper (1 tsp for mild)

    1 tablespoon lemon juice (freshly squeezed)

    2 teaspoons prepared horseradish

    2 cloves garlic

    1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

    1 teaspoon celery salt

    1 teaspoon paprika

    Mix all ingredients well in a mixer.

    If you're not sure how spicy you want it, save the cayenne pepper for last and add a little at a time.

    Refrigerate overnight.

    I usually buy a 16oz jar of mayo, use the whole jar for the sauce, then pour it back into the jar.

    1/2 cup chopped sweet red pepper

    1/4 cup chopped green onions

    1/4 cup Dijon mustard

    1/4 cup mayonnaise

    2 tablespoons minced shallots

    2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley

    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    Salt and pepper to taste

    2 tablespoons butter

    1 tablespoon olive oil

    In a blender or food processor, combine the red pepper, onions, mustard, mayonnaise, shallots, parsley, honey, lemon juice, salt and pepper; cover and process until finely chopped. Refrigerate until serving.鈥?/a>
    mix mayo and ketchup and a dash of tobasco and some onion powder.
    justme came close but i mix lemon juice, mayo, spicy mustard, dill, black pepper and diced capers. yummy! or you could make cocktail sauce - katsup, horseradish, worchestershire sauce, lemon and old bay seasoning, or you could make tartar sauce - mayo, finely diced onion, sweet pickle relish, lemon juice and black pepper.
    Ginger-lime dipping sauce:

    2 tablespoons lime juice

    1 tablespoon white sugar

    2 tablespoons Asian fish sauce

    1 tablespoon water

    1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

    1/2 teaspoon hot red pepper flakes

    1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro, for garnish

    Mix ingredients together and chill before serving (preferably 4 hours at least)