Friday, January 8, 2010

Why is the federal government making such a big issue out of the alleged steroid usage of pro athletes?

With the economy being so terrible, having the FBI, a federal grand jury etc for Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds and several other professional athletes is a tremendous waste of tax payers' money. Granted these athletes made millions of dollars but shouldn't the issue be between the athletes' commissioners and league officials? Why is the government wasting millions of dollars on probing who's guilty and who's not?Why is the federal government making such a big issue out of the alleged steroid usage of pro athletes?
So they look to be doing some good with something easier than the financial crisis. People (misinformed) always react over steriods. Its the governments way of saying 篓hey look, were working on stuff篓 Steriods in sprts gives an uneven playing field, thats why theyre banned. The use of performance inhancers is not a problem in my opinon IF you know what youre doing.Why is the federal government making such a big issue out of the alleged steroid usage of pro athletes?
Sports figures are role models to such a large number of people.... and it is ILLEGAL. What would you rather them do sit at their desk and eat donuts all day?? They are cheating in order to fill their pockets with millions of dollars.... that is revenue brought in from the fans (tax payers)
It's ILLEGAL to do drugs!!! Steroids are illegal drugs. It's that simple
I don't know. They should provide their guidance to the governing bodies and move on to more pressing issues.

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