Friday, January 8, 2010

Why did an omnipotent god have to spend as long as six days making the Earth?

Surely a truly omnipotent god would be able to do it timelessly?

Could this be an example of (far-fetched + outlandish) = mysterious ways?Why did an omnipotent god have to spend as long as six days making the Earth?
I don't know about that, but I'm pretty sure that if I had gone to all the trouble of creating an infinitely complex universe, and then the people I created looked around and decided I could've finished the whole job in under a week, I'd be pretty offended. That's like looking at the Mona Lisa and saying ';Wow, Leonardo must have spent the better part of an afternoon on this one.';Why did an omnipotent god have to spend as long as six days making the Earth?
He wasn't as omnipotent back then.

None of the gods were quite that powerful. Over the years and through many re-tellings of the story he became stronger.

It's a bit like Superman. When Soopie was first printed he fought ordinary bad guys using his moderately more powerful super strength. Now he can kick stars around.

What is even more hilarious is the numbers of people who believe it is actual. It is so wrong with things out of order it makes very little sense. But its on a par with the sort of uneducated goat herder knowledge we've come to expect from books like the bible. And the bible was constructed in the dark ages, don't forget, and they were not exactly famous for their literary achievements or knowledge in the dark ages.

The bible is about as useful as a chocolate teapot for gaining any knowledge.

Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.
Notice that the first day was the day he created the earth. Were there no days before that? Did God suddenly exist on this first day of creation too? Another mystery....

Also notice that there were three mornings and evenings before the creation of the sun. ANOTHER mystery.
Great point, the Bible actually says that when God spoke things were created. For example...

Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. ~ Genesis 1:3-4

It doesn't say it took him a long time, when He spoke it came into existence. So obviously God could have created everything faster. But God purposely slowed down His work to set an example by establishing the Sabbath. He could have done it much faster, but He did it to set an example. See Exodus 20:8-11
actually, according to a later passage in Genesis, He did do it all in one day:


These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens.

notice that ';the day'; part? yeah...see what happens when you let an atheist read the bible? we actually read the WHOLE thing.

apparently, the editors couldn't even get god's timesheets straight.

meh. maybe it just looked better to have it stretched out from one day to 6. who knows.? and they added the day of rest so the faithful flock of sheeple could have an excuse to stop goat herding one day a week and sacrifice a cow and enjoy a good BBQ after properly saying the sacrificial rites.
He definitely could have created the world in a second, if He had wanted to. Of course, the seven day course is supposed to be an example to people. (We aren't omnipotent, just in case you were wondering.)
It also could have been longer than a week. The word day can also be translated to be a period of time. So there were 7 creative periods. This is one way that religion and science could actually coincide.
This is such a simplistic question, useless.........this is like my asking you why you prefer Colgate toothpaste to any other brand? What does it all matter ?? God can do anything He wants, anyway He wants, same as you and same as me !
The assembly instructions were from IKEA.
I think ';he's'; just a perfectionist

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