Friday, January 8, 2010

Who do you think is making your medical decisions now?

I see so many people on here saying they don't want universal health insurance because ';the government'; will be making their medical decisions. Aside from the fact that no one is proposing that the government make medical decisions, the question remains: who do you think is making your medical decisions right now with the system we presently have? Do you know the role that insurance adjusters play in your health care and what types of decisions they mandate to your doctor?Who do you think is making your medical decisions now?
My insurance company.... and I don't want them making my medical decisions either.Who do you think is making your medical decisions now?
Well, under a Universal Health Care system, the government could choose to deny life saving operations that they deem ';unjustified'; if they don't want to pay for it. I do suppose some predatory health insurance agencies do that now, but I do not think that there are many people that die currently because of a routine treatment that their insurance just decided to refuse because the patient would only be alive a few more years anyway.
I am a totally disabled veteran, as such I get what the right wing calls 'socialized' medicine thru the Veterans Administration.

Here is how it works, every three months I see my primary care physician, (more if I need to) I tell him my medical situation and what I think, He then orders tests, (any he tests he thinks I need, no calling insurance companies for permission) and sets me up with referrals to specialists if he thinks I need to be seen by any. Almost anyone I need to see is at the VA hospital in Hampton Va, the few specialists not there are located in Richmond. Because I am totally disabled I pay nothing, the type care I recieve would be envied by 90% of the population, do not believe the bad things you hear about the VA, its only problem is it is underfunded and understaffed, the model is perfect. Like I say I get it because I was hurt while on active duty, I think this type health care should be available to any citizen who wants it.
Ultimately, my health care decisions should be up to me. It is incumbent on me to educate myself, then I can do what the doctor recommends or not. If I don't like what one doctor tells me, I can get a second opinion. And I always have the option of paying for things myself, if my insurance doesn't cover them.
you make a very good point. nonetheless there is a deep fear of the government becoming even more invasive in our lives.

big brother is always watching and soon he will be making all your decisions for you.
By definition, nationalized health-care means the goverment will be making health-care decisions. Why is that hard to understand?
I do. I always find doctors who fight the insurance companies. Or take cash when I don't have insurance - this works the best.
insurance companies
Eh...I do what I want. No insurance company tells me what to do.
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