Friday, January 8, 2010

How come when your making out girls get the bottom lip and guys get the top?

i just noticed when i was making out last that my girl always gets my bottom lip and i get her top and if i try to go for her bottom lip she moves so i get the top instead ... whats up with that ... are all girls like that?How come when your making out girls get the bottom lip and guys get the top?
A passionate kiss carries no expectations, and conforms to no single rule. All lips are fair game. Although, the top lip in itself is packed with a ton of nerves and the woman's top lip in specific is actually an erogenous zone. Spend some time there, as well as the small of her back, her inner thighs, and the spot where her chest and neck meet, and you'll have her squirming in ecstasy.How come when your making out girls get the bottom lip and guys get the top?
Oo girls lips are sooooo sensuous! I dun care which part I get!

Maybe its cuz you can get a little better taste of their cherry flavored lip-gloss and stuff since the tongues level with the middle of the girl's lips and yea also maybe because guys are taller and naturally take to the top more comfortably.
I, personally, just feel more comfortable that way. Guys are usually taller than their girlfriends, so it makes sense doesn't it? And its just the way I learned to kiss. I remember when I was around ten reading a magazine on how to make out with a guy (...i know but every girl does that) and it said to go for the bottom lip. Even the magazines today still say so. Its just a comfortable thing to do :)
Lol naw its normal, i always kiss and bite my babys bottom lip, he loves it.... give her a little tongue action to make things HOT! and grab her *** or run ur hands thru her hair... show some passion u kno? and i suggest u play wit ur tongue inside that mouth cus girls LOVE IT!! well atleast i do :D lmao
I think it all depends on the person. My boyfriend is taller than me and he still goes for the lower lip more often. I like the upper lip better. But, dude i think your girl is weird, when you make out well eegh, you don't stay on the same lip for the whole time...
Guys are usually taller, so when making out stand up or sitting, its easier for the guy to have the top and girl to have the bottom
no. kinda weird. You should probably be loving and kiss her...well lovingly not all ';I want the bottom lip';


WTF its like a little kid...

';I want the top bunk!';

That's not right. Your lips should meet and they should both touch. Top and bottom work together.
The same reason missionary is the most common sex position.
Are you a bad kisser? Switch it up. Kissing that same way every time is boring.
haha! I dont know why! I do it as well!

Actually Little Miss Sunshine is probably right! lol

I can only reach my boyfriends bottom lop! xx
Comfort zone ...and a girl is probably to shy to put her mouth so close to your nose .....with experience comes trail %26amp; error .....good luck with that !
guys are on top in sex too...
Shes probably just shorter than you
height difference
nope! me n my boyfriend always depends on what she likes and what you like...
lol well not really i like it when my ex bf used to get the lower lip lol
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