Friday, January 8, 2010

Why does my knee keep making a popping sound when I bend it?

Every time I bend my right knee, it pops loudly. When I do it slowly, it sound like something it grinding up against the bone. It doesn't hurt, but it is kind of annoying. Also, my big toes pop when I bend them. I think I have arthritis because my hands get cramps when it gets cold.Why does my knee keep making a popping sound when I bend it?
my elbow will do that to sometimes try to not do that to much and with me it is when i have not exercised my arms lately and for the hands thing you probly are developing arthritis !drink milk! hope i helped!!!!!Why does my knee keep making a popping sound when I bend it?
My knee has been doing that for years. My mom tells me it's because I'm out of shape, because I quit playing sports and that's when it started.
  • vegetable oil
  • medicine cream
  • What kind of salary does someone with a human resources degree start out making?

    Search this link, it is the occupational outlook handbook. It is done by the government and used by colleges! Good luck with your choice of degree! kind of salary does someone with a human resources degree start out making?
    It depends what kind of degree, and what you are looking for.

    don't expect to get a six figure salary off the bat, you need work experience and if you didn't intern during summer vacations, you can expect to start at the bottom...

    from what i've seen a Human Resources Coordinator makes between 42,000 -46,000 in larger metropolitan cities.What kind of salary does someone with a human resources degree start out making?
    The salary/remuneration for a particular job is the market value for a particular profession and designation at the city/town where the office is located. Job postings at websites like Monster, Yahoo HotJobs and Careerbuilder carry information about salaries. The Govt Dept of Labor, ( Bureau of statistics has information about median salaries for different professions and details of additional compensation offered. Other online resources are and payscale. Your salary will also depend on your educational qualification and how you handle your career. More details and links to relevant websites available at

    How long does your love making usually last?

    For you ladies and other guys out there. How long does your love making usually last with your partner?How long does your love making usually last?
    My boyfriend is good at making it last for a long time. But, naturally, I can last for 20-30 minutes. I think for him naturally, he can last for about 10 minutes. But, we're good at making it last for what seems like forever.How long does your love making usually last?
    10-30 minutes (depends on how long she takes ;-P)

    Average time for sex (quoted from Dr. Drew) is 7.5 minutes btw.
    my ex and i can go for about an hr. but with my current bf, he cant go for too long. he said it sucks and hes paranoid. once...we only did it in less than a min.:(
    ummm 20 minutes but my partner will usually finish earlier than me... coz I'm well, ';slow'; lol
    roughly 10 to 20 mins. it sucks coz my bf doesnt last long. there was a time wen he came in less than 1 MIN !!! its crazy !
    30 min

    We can last 30 minutes.
    Mmmmmmmm - never long enough!
    about 10 mins of heaven

    How do I go about making ';articles'; for search engine optimization?

    Can anyone give me more information on writing articles in order to boost your websites search engine ranking? Where would I post the article? Is this a effective approach? I cannot afford a company who offers ';article writing';, I would need to do it on my own if possible! Any help will be very much appreciated! Thanks!How do I go about making ';articles'; for search engine optimization?
    You can write the articles yourself. Just write informative articles, about 300 to 500 words long, on some interesting topics related to your niche. Submit these articles to article directories like ezinearticles and goarticles

    At the bottom of the article they will allow you to have a biobox in which you can add anchor text links to your websites

    More info at鈥?/a>How do I go about making ';articles'; for search engine optimization?
    Think of a topic that would relate to your website's services, e.g. networking, investments, etc. mainly these would be the best topics for your articles. Blog it using different blog sites, and pick keywords that would be used to re-direct unto your website from the blog articles you have made. Try also, blog commenting and forum posting. These are organic and effective ways in boosting your website.

    Good luck.

    Does it make you worry when you see School Heads talking on TV and making really obvious grammatical errors?

    .. I would really worry in this day and age if I had kids. I think it's shocking.Does it make you worry when you see School Heads talking on TV and making really obvious grammatical errors?
    It doesn't make me worry - it makes me angry as it does when I hear similar errors on radio and tv news bulletins. We shouldn't expect DJ's and ';celebs'; taking part in (for example) cookery programmes to speak the Queen's English, after all most of them are poorly educated, but newsreaders are trained (graduate) journalists and should not be making such basic errors as, ';A group of people are protesting about........ .'; As the word ';group'; is singular then the verb should be ';is'; not ';are';. ';A group IS ............ ';

    Sadly, I can tell you that many younger teachers were themselves taught at a time when grammar errors were not corrected as it ';destroyed the creative flow'; of the work. In the same way spellings were not corrected and, as a result, many teachers have difficulties spelling words such as committee, desperate, secretary, accommodation, etc, etc. If we are to return to some semblance of good standards in English, both spoken and written, we have to have a root and branch retraining of (especially) primary school teachers. Sadly, too, many of them also lack real mathematical knowledge needed to deliver the national curriculum.Does it make you worry when you see School Heads talking on TV and making really obvious grammatical errors?
    No, not really. . . I'm not very good at catching all the obvious grammar errors in what I say in a timely fashion, either. I tend to really annoy people with lesser-known grammatical rules when it comes to written English, though. I don't lack the knowledge; I sometimes just lack the ability to apply the knowledge in real time.

    I'm much more concerned about the obvious grammatical errors on my local news. Sure, they're journalists and not English majors. . . but wouldn't proper grammar be a good thing if your job is largely about communicating information? My job involves a bunch of fun math and science first before I have to communicate much information, and I somehow seem to have a better grasp of basic grammar than some of the local talking heads who tell us about current events for a living.

    I gave up hope after the day when I saw a set of very obvious ';you know. . . all things that end in 's' really don't need an apostrophe'; plurals on some of their bullet-point slides. (sigh)
    Yes it does. I teach, and the more annoying thing is when letters are sent home from schools, universities and the local government with really obvious spelling and grammatical errors. Another thing that annoys me is when they make up words to sound important and then comment that parents haven't responded, or 'don't have good English'.
    It is very worrying. And the newsreaders to it to. I have been known to shout at them. But on a lighter note - when I was at school the teacher wrote a comment on my friend's homework that none of us could decipher. So she went and asked her what she had written. It turned out that teach was saying how untidy my friend's handwriting was.
    It really worries and annoys me.

    I find it incredible that people are getting A levels and degrees when they can't spell even the simplest of words.
    No what bothers me is when children say ';I runded'; and no-one says ';No you ran'; in case it affects the child's self esteem!!!

    How does one go about making a youtube video with windows Xp?

    I want to make one as a tribute to my R%26amp;S friends. I will be using avatars, words, and music only. So I guess something like a slide show.

    Peace Be With You,

    DebraHow does one go about making a youtube video with windows Xp?
    Debra, contact our R%26amp;S master producer, Jeff. I am sure he will be glad to help you!

    (((Debra)))How does one go about making a youtube video with windows Xp?
    use windows movie maker (included in your windows machine)... it can help you make beautiful slideshow or video clip(e.g. mixing your songs with pictures/video/etc).... then save it as video file such as wmv or mpg... finally upload.

    or .. Just get those clips you want , save %26amp; convert them, and then mix/match with pix/sound/etc using windows movie maker to create new masterpieces....

    this will help you.... Use 'zillatube'. This is the easiest (and also the fastest) way.

    Zillatube produces mpg/mp3 formats from youtube that are compatible with windows movie maker(or media player), and more.

    It is very easy to download and convert videos. Then edit those converted mp3/mpg videos with windows movie maker.

    It works very well....just google search for ';zillatube';…

    I am glad you asked this Debra, I am having the same problem! windows Movie Maker should already be on your PC I am XP too, if not you can download windows Movie Maker!
    You can use windows movie maker!

    Hope this help!
    windows movie maker
    oooooh, do use music from Bread!

    Good luck!


    Who do you think is making your medical decisions now?

    I see so many people on here saying they don't want universal health insurance because ';the government'; will be making their medical decisions. Aside from the fact that no one is proposing that the government make medical decisions, the question remains: who do you think is making your medical decisions right now with the system we presently have? Do you know the role that insurance adjusters play in your health care and what types of decisions they mandate to your doctor?Who do you think is making your medical decisions now?
    My insurance company.... and I don't want them making my medical decisions either.Who do you think is making your medical decisions now?
    Well, under a Universal Health Care system, the government could choose to deny life saving operations that they deem ';unjustified'; if they don't want to pay for it. I do suppose some predatory health insurance agencies do that now, but I do not think that there are many people that die currently because of a routine treatment that their insurance just decided to refuse because the patient would only be alive a few more years anyway.
    I am a totally disabled veteran, as such I get what the right wing calls 'socialized' medicine thru the Veterans Administration.

    Here is how it works, every three months I see my primary care physician, (more if I need to) I tell him my medical situation and what I think, He then orders tests, (any he tests he thinks I need, no calling insurance companies for permission) and sets me up with referrals to specialists if he thinks I need to be seen by any. Almost anyone I need to see is at the VA hospital in Hampton Va, the few specialists not there are located in Richmond. Because I am totally disabled I pay nothing, the type care I recieve would be envied by 90% of the population, do not believe the bad things you hear about the VA, its only problem is it is underfunded and understaffed, the model is perfect. Like I say I get it because I was hurt while on active duty, I think this type health care should be available to any citizen who wants it.
    Ultimately, my health care decisions should be up to me. It is incumbent on me to educate myself, then I can do what the doctor recommends or not. If I don't like what one doctor tells me, I can get a second opinion. And I always have the option of paying for things myself, if my insurance doesn't cover them.
    you make a very good point. nonetheless there is a deep fear of the government becoming even more invasive in our lives.

    big brother is always watching and soon he will be making all your decisions for you.
    By definition, nationalized health-care means the goverment will be making health-care decisions. Why is that hard to understand?
    I do. I always find doctors who fight the insurance companies. Or take cash when I don't have insurance - this works the best.
    insurance companies
    Eh...I do what I want. No insurance company tells me what to do.
  • vegetable oil
  • medicine cream
  • If a person gets caught making a virus for a computer, what happens to them?

    depending on the situation of the virus for example trojans if the virus only affected some people like 50-100 then they would go to jail and be on the FBI's computer terror list but in this case with the worm cousing panic not just here in the states but in other countries the person when caught will be fined for something like cousing massive panic as is a threat to the free world or something like that and would most likely be under watch and banned from ever using a comp again or contacting people to in fear of someone else making a new and Better worm. lolz that would suckIf a person gets caught making a virus for a computer, what happens to them?
    Nothing. Whatever people tell you is wrong. You cannot get in trouble for making a virus. It is illegal to send a virus however. I have taken classes to create and destroy viruses and I can tell you that it is not against the law to harvest them.If a person gets caught making a virus for a computer, what happens to them?
    They get hired by companies that make anti-virus software and paid very well.

    What a perfect setup. You employ people to create viruses and then sell anti-virus software to everyone in the world to protect their computers from the virus you created.
    It looks like precident is 20 months in ';Club Fed.';…
    Usually they don't get caught.Most viruses come from russia,china or eastern europe where the chances of getting caught are very slim and they know it.
    A nice long trip to federal prison.
    Just don't do it.
    A huge fine or Jail time.

    What are the odds of making it to Major League Baseball?

    I heard somewhere that 1 out of every 999 players makes it, and is not necessarily a mainstay. Is this correct?What are the odds of making it to Major League Baseball?
    If there are 6 billion people in the world and i would say the about 1/50 of the population play baseball so that would leave about 120 million people that play baseball. There are about 750 active major leage baseball players. But if you add the major leagers and the minor leagers that will be about 4,000 players. So i would say your chance of becoming a major or minor leage player is 1 in 30,000.What are the odds of making it to Major League Baseball?
    I doubt its 1 out of 999. More like 1 out of 99,999. Figure that the best player on most HS teams does not go to MLB. The Best player in Most HS Leagues don't make it MLB, in fact the best HS player in each State doesn't always make it to MLB. Then factor in all the kids in all the otehr countries who are undrafted but signed. You are competing with half a world who will play for next to nothing just for a chance. Its a long long long shot.
    Well in 2003 there were 2.3 million boys playing Little League Baseball and that is just 1 organization. Then there are roughly 800 players in the Majors, including the DL....

    I think that is around 1 in 2875 little leaguers make it to the pro's
    I have to say that that is true simply for he fact that if ur born in a small town like me then u might have a better chance at winning the lottery. Although if u get into a good college u will have a better chance.
    I guess they could be true, but I think its a little bit less than that.

    However, don't let that discourage you from following your dreams.
    1 out of 999? wow i heard something like millions, but not bad compared to football.
    It is more like 1 in every 10,000 make it to the majors.
    It's less then that depending on the town you are in.

    What are the major problems with special interest groups and lobbyist in the policy making process?

    Questions is pretty straight forward, I'm having problems finding any good scholarly material, please help, 5 points thanks!What are the major problems with special interest groups and lobbyist in the policy making process?
    Football is the word given to a number of similar team sports, all of which involve (to varying degrees) kicking a ball with the foot in an attempt to score a goal. The most popular of these sports worldwide is association football, more commonly known as just ';football'; or ';soccer';. The English language word ';football'; is also applied to ';gridiron football'; (a name associated with the North American sports, especially American football and Canadian football), Australian football, Gaelic football, rugby football (rugby league and rugby union), and related games. Each of these codes (specific sets of rules, or the games defined by them) is referred to as ';football';.

    These games involve:

    Two teams of usually between 11 and 18 players; some variations that have fewer players (five or more per team) are also popular

    a clearly defined area in which to play the game;

    scoring goals and/or points, by moving the ball to an opposing team's end of the field and either into a goal area, or over a line;

    goals and/or points resulting from players putting the ball between two goalposts

    the goal and/or line being defended by the opposing team;

    players being required to move the ball—depending on the code—by kicking, carrying and/or hand passing the ball; and

    players using only their body to move the ball.

    In most codes, there are rules restricting the movement of players offside, and players scoring a goal must put the ball either under or over a crossbar between the goalposts. Other features common to several football codes include: points being mostly scored by players carrying the ball across the goal line and; players receiving a free kick after they take a mark/make a fair catch.

    Peoples from around the world have played games which involved kicking and/or carrying a ball, since ancient times. However, most of the modern codes of football have their origins in England.

    Contents [hide]

    1 Etymology

    2 History

    2.1 Early history

    2.1.1 Ancient games

    2.1.2 Medieval and early modern Europe

    2.1.3 Calcio Fiorentino

    2.1.4 Official disapproval and attempts to ban football

    2.2 Establishment of modern codes

    2.2.1 English public schools

    2.2.2 Firsts Clubs Competitions Modern balls Modern ball passing tactics

    2.2.3 Cambridge rules

    2.2.4 Sheffield rules

    2.2.5 Australian rules

    2.2.6 Football Association

    2.2.7 Rugby football

    2.2.8 North American football codes

    2.2.9 Gaelic football

    2.2.10 Split in Rugby football

    2.2.11 Globalisation of Association football

    2.2.12 Reform of American football

    2.2.13 Further divergence of the two rugby codes

    3 Football today

    3.1 Use of the word ';football'; in English-speaking countries

    3.2 Use of the word ';football'; in non-English-speaking countries

    3.3 Present day codes and families

    3.3.1 Association football and descendants

    3.3.2 Rugby school football and descendants

    3.3.3 Irish and Australian varieties

    3.3.4 Surviving mediæval ball games Inside the UK Outside the UK

    3.3.5 Surviving UK school games

    3.3.6 Recent inventions and hybrid games Based on FA rules Based on rugby Hybrid games

    3.3.7 Tabletop games and other recreations Based on Football (soccer) Based on rugby Based on American football Based on Australian football

    4 See also

    5 Notes

    6 References

    7 External links


    Main article: Football (word)

    While it is widely believed that the word ';football'; (or ';foot ball';) originated in reference to the action of the foot kicking a ball, there is a rival explanation, which has it that football originally referred to a variety of games in medieval Europe, which were played on foot.[1] These games were usually played by peasants, as opposed to the horse-riding sports often played by aristocrats. While there is no conclusive evidence for this explanation, the word football has always implied a variety of games played on foot, not just those that involved kicking a ball. In some cases, the word football has even been applied to games which have specifically outlawed kicking the ball.


    Early history

    Ancient games

    Ancient Greek football player balancing the ball. Depiction on an Attic Lekythos.The Ancient Greeks and Romans are known to have played many ball games, some of which involved the use of the feet. The Roman game harpastum is believed to have been adapted from a team game known as ';επισκυρος'; (episkyros) or phaininda, which is mentioned by a Greek playwright, Antiphanes (388–311 BC) and later referred to by the Christian theologian Clement of Alexandria (c.150-c.215 AD). The Roman politician Cicero (106-43 BC) describes the case of a man who was killed whilst having a shave when a ball was kicked into a barber's shop. These games appear to have resembled rugby football. Roman ball games already knew the air-filled ball, the follis.[2][3]

    Documented evidence of an activity resembling foot

    Why is the federal government making such a big issue out of the alleged steroid usage of pro athletes?

    With the economy being so terrible, having the FBI, a federal grand jury etc for Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds and several other professional athletes is a tremendous waste of tax payers' money. Granted these athletes made millions of dollars but shouldn't the issue be between the athletes' commissioners and league officials? Why is the government wasting millions of dollars on probing who's guilty and who's not?Why is the federal government making such a big issue out of the alleged steroid usage of pro athletes?
    So they look to be doing some good with something easier than the financial crisis. People (misinformed) always react over steriods. Its the governments way of saying 篓hey look, were working on stuff篓 Steriods in sprts gives an uneven playing field, thats why theyre banned. The use of performance inhancers is not a problem in my opinon IF you know what youre doing.Why is the federal government making such a big issue out of the alleged steroid usage of pro athletes?
    Sports figures are role models to such a large number of people.... and it is ILLEGAL. What would you rather them do sit at their desk and eat donuts all day?? They are cheating in order to fill their pockets with millions of dollars.... that is revenue brought in from the fans (tax payers)
    It's ILLEGAL to do drugs!!! Steroids are illegal drugs. It's that simple
    I don't know. They should provide their guidance to the governing bodies and move on to more pressing issues.

    Why did an omnipotent god have to spend as long as six days making the Earth?

    Surely a truly omnipotent god would be able to do it timelessly?

    Could this be an example of (far-fetched + outlandish) = mysterious ways?Why did an omnipotent god have to spend as long as six days making the Earth?
    I don't know about that, but I'm pretty sure that if I had gone to all the trouble of creating an infinitely complex universe, and then the people I created looked around and decided I could've finished the whole job in under a week, I'd be pretty offended. That's like looking at the Mona Lisa and saying ';Wow, Leonardo must have spent the better part of an afternoon on this one.';Why did an omnipotent god have to spend as long as six days making the Earth?
    He wasn't as omnipotent back then.

    None of the gods were quite that powerful. Over the years and through many re-tellings of the story he became stronger.

    It's a bit like Superman. When Soopie was first printed he fought ordinary bad guys using his moderately more powerful super strength. Now he can kick stars around.

    What is even more hilarious is the numbers of people who believe it is actual. It is so wrong with things out of order it makes very little sense. But its on a par with the sort of uneducated goat herder knowledge we've come to expect from books like the bible. And the bible was constructed in the dark ages, don't forget, and they were not exactly famous for their literary achievements or knowledge in the dark ages.

    The bible is about as useful as a chocolate teapot for gaining any knowledge.

    Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.
    Notice that the first day was the day he created the earth. Were there no days before that? Did God suddenly exist on this first day of creation too? Another mystery....

    Also notice that there were three mornings and evenings before the creation of the sun. ANOTHER mystery.
    Great point, the Bible actually says that when God spoke things were created. For example...

    Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. ~ Genesis 1:3-4

    It doesn't say it took him a long time, when He spoke it came into existence. So obviously God could have created everything faster. But God purposely slowed down His work to set an example by establishing the Sabbath. He could have done it much faster, but He did it to set an example. See Exodus 20:8-11
    actually, according to a later passage in Genesis, He did do it all in one day:


    These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens.

    notice that ';the day'; part? yeah...see what happens when you let an atheist read the bible? we actually read the WHOLE thing.

    apparently, the editors couldn't even get god's timesheets straight.

    meh. maybe it just looked better to have it stretched out from one day to 6. who knows.? and they added the day of rest so the faithful flock of sheeple could have an excuse to stop goat herding one day a week and sacrifice a cow and enjoy a good BBQ after properly saying the sacrificial rites.
    He definitely could have created the world in a second, if He had wanted to. Of course, the seven day course is supposed to be an example to people. (We aren't omnipotent, just in case you were wondering.)
    It also could have been longer than a week. The word day can also be translated to be a period of time. So there were 7 creative periods. This is one way that religion and science could actually coincide.
    This is such a simplistic question, useless.........this is like my asking you why you prefer Colgate toothpaste to any other brand? What does it all matter ?? God can do anything He wants, anyway He wants, same as you and same as me !
    The assembly instructions were from IKEA.
    I think ';he's'; just a perfectionist

    What is the benefit of making a recipe on webkinz?

    Is there a benefit? Does it add kinzcash? Where do people find the names of recipes %26amp; why don't they know how to make them? Are the cookbooks puzzles? Do you get a prize? :)What is the benefit of making a recipe on webkinz?
    this site has many recipes鈥?/a>

    Pets get more health and hunger benefits from eating recipe food than from eating the ingredients. There are some cookbooks in the W shop, but they only have a few each.What is the benefit of making a recipe on webkinz?
    1) No its just for fun- your pet likes them better

    2) No you do not get kinz cash

    3) You can find the recipes at

    4) No the cookbooks are not puzzles, they do give you a few recipes

    5) No you do not get a prize.. you can trade in the trading room for different recipes though
    Its just for fun, here is a site with some more webkinz recipes

    Vote for me for best answer!!
  • vegetable oil
  • medicine cream
  • What is the point in making polar bodies in meiosis?

    Going from memory, long time since studied biology.

    IT does seem at first like a waste of energy %26amp; genetic material.

    The main genetic advantage i remember is that as the chromosomes split and the double Hellix reform's twice, this is an efficent way to repair minior gene copy mistakes / damage and to early on weed out %26amp; lose / discard major problems while their is still time an energy for more ovem develoment. Resulting in potentualy more healthy first, second, third %26amp; so on generations of offspring.

    I hope this interpretation of past llessons help.

    Happy New Year 2008What is the point in making polar bodies in meiosis?
    This is one of those fields that is still developing and over the next few years, more and more information will flow into. As for my knowledge, the polar bodies are created in Meiosis as excess. The main point of Meiosis was to produce the egg, and the egg needs a little more raw material than normal meiotic daughter cells can offer, so the polar bodies, which would normally go on to make normal gametes, give off part of their nutrients/material to contribute to the egg cell. This also ties into the though of altruism, the contribution of something to another organism, in return for a negative impact upon the giver. It proliferates the genes that these polar bodies have in common. So the point of polar bodies are to donate what is needed to the egg cell.

    What is the purpose of making history a requirement in schools?

    What do we learn from studying history? Do we actually benefit from it? Do you think history is important to you?What is the purpose of making history a requirement in schools?
    History is great. Although not the most exciting class, you need to try and stay interested. History has a cycle and constantly repeats itself. Not only that, but you can see the mistakes and the good choices that have been made and learn from them. It also helps you better understand why things are how they are today. My old history teacher would make us do jumping jacks or push-ups if we answered anything wrong. Although it was b.s. it kept you interested in the class because everyone would have to watch you exercise if you screwed up. It made you learn. Thanks Mr. Saunders.What is the purpose of making history a requirement in schools?
    In my h.s. history class, it was punishment and torture I'm pretty sure.

    There's a lot to be learned from history. History is actually some of the most interesting stuff you'll ever learn. Too bad high school makes it suck, like everything else in high school.....

    High school sucks. I'm so glad I'm out. 8 years free and I still hate it.
    i have no ***** idea!!!
    because history repeats itself....many times if we remember it...we all can we go again....

    How do i go about getting atree removed from outside my property,it's making a right mess of my house?

    what should i ask the council , to make them cut it downHow do i go about getting atree removed from outside my property,it's making a right mess of my house?
    Research WHY a tree can legally be felled in your area and approach council on that basis. Is it diseased? Does it obstruct traffic flow?, etc.

    The Muse

    What is the point of making clothing-embedded computers?

    People are saying that this will be possible in the near future, but what is the point of it?What is the point of making clothing-embedded computers?
    OMG! Can you not think of a zillion things that computer clothing would be helpful for! Everything that computers can be used for right now could be made portable and immediate. What if you could put on a jacket, and read the net, do your e-mail on your commute, without sitting in front of a computer or carrying a laptop or handheld device? What if my coat could tell me how high the particulate is outside so I could take precautions for my asthma, either by measuring it directly or connecting to a wireless broadcast that would have that info? I am particularly interested by ideas about body armor that would monitor the body processes of soldiers and institute treatment procedures (like releasing medicinal chemistry, or stiffening to immobilize a broken limb) in the event of injury or weakening of vital signs. What about a piece of clothing for diabetics that would keep a detailed reading of vital signs, perhaps even monitor blood glucose, and either adminster or notify the wearer to administer treatment when needed. Aside from a hundred million useful tasks,computer clothing could do fun things, like play music, or change color or pattern according to your desires. What about a computer controlled skirt, that could change it's stiffness? It could have a program for ';pleats'; or ';gathers'; slimness or fullness. I could think about this for a long time and come up with even more ideas.What is the point of making clothing-embedded computers?
    new one to me
    Easier to carry?
    You ask some pretty pointless questions, but this one takes the biscuit!

    ....and why don't you take the trouble to vote some of the answers as 'best answers' instead of leaving them to us?

    ....try taking a look one day. You might be surprised.
    never heard of it
    There are lots of benefits, to start with, you don't have to pack your pockets full of gadgets or start carrying a handbag. Also it could make some technologies more comfortable to use. For example, if you had a hoodie, with built in speakers and a mic, with a bluetooth connection, it would be a lot more comfortable than earbuds and noise cancelling technology would prevent it from annoying the people arond you. It could be used with a personal music player, or a mobile, or if you have a decent speech recognition system in your laptop or palm top, you could operate it without having to open it. There are already clothing embedded remote controls available and there will soon be a clothing embedded flexible display. Before long larger gadgets will have been developed to the extent that they can be integrated into the fibres of your clothes also.

    Imagine having a hooded coat, or one with a big colour. You can copy music files or podcasts to the integrated memory and listen to them while you walk to work. Without trailing wires or a bulge in your pocket... not one that wasn't there before, anyway. Especially handy for girls too, who don't often have a convenient pocket and don't like carrying handbags.

    I could go on and on, but as far as technology is concerned we are only limited by our imagination.
    so you can wash your clothes and ruin your computer at the same time ?

    What is the name of the type of art that uses raised features; making the image appear a mixture of 2d and 3d?

    It is similar to the effect that lithographs strive for, but is used with artistic materials.What is the name of the type of art that uses raised features; making the image appear a mixture of 2d and 3d?

    It's opposite is 'Intaglio'.What is the name of the type of art that uses raised features; making the image appear a mixture of 2d and 3d?
    embossing--I think that is what you are referring to.

    What is the trick in making good french fries from raw potatoes??

    When we buy frozen fries they fry up in a short time and are crunchy (the way I like them), but when I make them from potatoes they are very wet and take forever to fry....Why? Thank YouWhat is the trick in making good french fries from raw potatoes??
    Partially cook them in the microwave before you cook them. The trick is to get them cooked but no so cooked you cant cut them. When you fry them, the outside will be crispy and the inside wll be soft.What is the trick in making good french fries from raw potatoes??
    Chuck has it right, we call it double dunking or twice cooked, blanched in oil or water, cool then fry. Who brought the Thousand Island dressing, no fork, just fingers for me
    Put your potato strips into a bowl of ice water for at least 20 minutes. Blot dry thoroughly, then fry.

    Here's a yummy recipe for you...

    ';Garlic Fries'; - 6 servings

    3 lbs. peeled baking potatoes; cut into 1/4';-thick strips

    4 tsp. vegetable oil

    3/4 tsp. salt

    Nonstick cooking spray

    2 tbsp. butter

    8 garlic cloves; minced (about 5 tsp.)

    2 tbsp. finely chopped fresh parsley

    2 tbsp. freshly grated Parmesan cheese

    Preheat oven to 400*.

    Combine first 3 ingredients in a large zip-top plastic bag, tossing to coat.

    Arrange potatoes in a single layer on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray. Bake for 50 minutes or until potatoes are tender and golden brown, turning after 20 minutes.

    Place butter and garlic in large nonstick skillet; cook over low heat 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Add potatoes, parsley and cheese to skillet; toss to coat. Serve immediately.
    After you cut them, dry the potatoe juice using a towel, then bake them in the oven.

    I do all of the above...soak for 20 minutes in salted water....

    dry well on clean kitchen towel....make sure the oil is at the correct temperature.....and great fries will follow!!! I like malt vinegar on mine!
    Peel %26amp; slice white potatoes. Soak them in salted ice water about 30 min. or so. Drain and dry with paper towels. Make sure they are good and dry before you drop them into hot vegetable oil. Make sure you are using at least 2 or 3 inches of oil and don't overcrowd the pan. Too many potatoes in a small pan will just sit there and sog, or burn.

    Try dipping them in barbecue sauce instead of ketchup. It's gooood.
    Definitely soak your cut potatoes in ice water first. Allow about one hour. Then rinse off the starch. Fry them in hot oil or Crisco twice; allowing at least a 20 minute rest between fries. Do not crowd the saucepan. The first is until they are called ';blonde';, about 5 minutes or so; then fry them on the second time about 5-6 minutes more, or until you have them the colour you like.
    I assume that you are talking about in a deep fat fryer. I make them all the time myself. I never buy them in them store.

    Cut the potato the thickness that you want. Put them in a bowl of cold water for about 15 minutes or so. Towel dry, start dropping them off in the hot oil one at a time, up to about 10 cooking at one time. You can ';stir'; them around a bit it you want one time. But as soon as they ';float'; to the top, they are done. After I dip them out onto my plate, I sprinkle them with seasoned salt. And serve. You can also make potato wedges the same way as this.
    Soak them in water for a 1/2 hour to remove the starch.
  • vegetable oil
  • medicine cream
  • How can I do a ';Total Damage'; to my stove but not making it very obvious?

    My stove started making a noise (ban ban) all the time. I called my warranty and had it fixed but now it the burners only starts when ever it feels like it they say that they can鈥檛 do nothing about it because it works, that if it did not work at all they would try to fix it or buy me another one. This is very annoying that when I want to cook I can鈥檛, I have to do it when ever the STOVE feels like it... Please help me.How can I do a ';Total Damage'; to my stove but not making it very obvious?
    I don't know what kind of stove you have so have no way of knowing how it is supposed to work. Anyway, if you were to do something to it to purposely break it then not only would it be a lie, but if they figured out you did it then they could void the warranty completely.

    The next time it won't work, call the warranty people and tell them the truth, ';it's not working';. If they ask you about how it was working then tell them that it had begun to work intermittently, but now it has completely stopped working.

    Don't even try to get it to work again until they come out to fix it. You may have to use something else temporarily, but at least then, when the repair person comes out chances are that it won't work for them either and they will have to fix it.How can I do a ';Total Damage'; to my stove but not making it very obvious?
    I agree with Jim B. I had a stackable washer and dryer from Maytag... Bought top of the line brand new... Nightmare from Day one. They kept telling me...warranty only cover parts not labor... that part not covered.. etc... They were at my house 11 times in six months... I just kept going higher and higher at the manufactor, and I kept ';updating'; the store I purchased it from. In a nut shell I was such a pain in the *** to everyone... on the seventh month... they came and delivered me a new one. Now I will admit, it took lots of my time... but I have three kids... I needed a washer and dryer that would work on demand... not when it felt like it. Don't let them say, NO...
    my first thoughts is to get cam recorder and film it not working and take that to store-if they wont do nothing go over stores head-dont know of a way to damage it for them not to know

    I have just tried making some donuts in a donut maker but although?

    I followed the recipe they have turned out like little pancakes and have'nt risen hardly at all.Does any one know of a good recipe for making donuts in a donut maker.Many thanks for any help.I have just tried making some donuts in a donut maker but although?
    You held the recipe upside down

    Is there a way to enlarge a picture without pixelating it and making it all blurry?

    Any kind of program I can download or something? Any help would be greatly appreciated!Is there a way to enlarge a picture without pixelating it and making it all blurry?
    Mistress is right!

    It all starts in the camera. If the camera is set to get the most photos out of a card, you will end up with images that cannot be enlarged beyond about 4x6 inches.

    If the image you want to enlarge is worth all the time and effort, you are better off shooting it again and set your camera for fine resolution and large image (that is how some cameras describe the best photo quality) or RAW if your camera has it.Is there a way to enlarge a picture without pixelating it and making it all blurry?
    You're always going to lose some resolution when you enlarge a picture.

    How distorted it gets as you enlarge depends on the resolution of the camera (how many megapixels).

    Be sure your camera is set at it's maximum resolution. If it's a pic that you got off the net or one that's already taken, you're outta luck.
    not exactly. But the best best is to try the smothing function on good photo software after increasing the size.
    Sometimes what I do is I copy/paste the picture on Microsoft Word, and increase the size using the ';format picture'; option, then I save the word file as a web page (complete).

    That will produce a file named, for example ';Document 1'; AND a folder named ';Document 1 files';. On that folder you'll have the enlarged version of the picture, wich you can then rename, copy and move to your usual photo software.

    If you don't want to save the Word file, you can only open Microsoft Word, paste the picture, enlarge it and then copy it on the clipboard and paste it on your photo editor....

    Files enlarged that way are usually lower in definition than the originals, but they get way less blurry!!

    Why are my brakes making a knocking noise?

    I just replaced my disk brake pads. I had my rotors turned. When ever I apply the brakes the passenger's side front has a knocking noise. The bolts are all tight. It's a 04 Dodge Dakota V8.Why are my brakes making a knocking noise?
    Remove them - I never use mine. i just use the car in front to stop.Why are my brakes making a knocking noise?
    you might want to have your calipers checked the piston in the caliper on that side might not be pushing the brake pad on to the rotor all the way causing the brake pad to just bump of the rotor causing the knocking sound..............and to the guy that said buy a ford a dodge pretty much is a ford they stole alot of ideas from ford including there v8 motors
    maybe it has something to do with the ABS system
    buy a ford and you wont have that problem!

    Anyone have instructions on making the snuggle blankets like on the commercials?

    I would like to try to make the fleece throws that you can put your arms through. I can't find any info on the web.Anyone have instructions on making the snuggle blankets like on the commercials?
    Fold a blanket in half, then sew it along one of the short ends (this is where you put your feet) half-way up the blanket, cut the center about 8 inches, and hem the edges (for the hand openings) you can also do a knotted border by cutting 2 inch strips along the top edge.Anyone have instructions on making the snuggle blankets like on the commercials?
    OMG! I've never seen one of those things! They will sell you anything, won't they??! It seems the back is left open... and you stay warm and snuggly inside? I don't think so!

    But you can easily make one out of a long piece of fleece. You need to make two tubes -- the sleeves -- which you than attach to the main body. Near the top, cut a vertical slit at the quarter mark from each edge of your blanket. Attach the sleeves to that slit... and that is all there is to it.

    I've seen a knitted one somewhere, that had buttons you would do up to make sleeves, and it closed along the bottom for your feet. It had the opening at the front, and you were able to make a hood with one end, and the whole front would close... almost like a sleeping bag!

    Use your imagination. If you already have something that is almost right, make the modifications in this fleece version, and it will be perfect.
    those Snugglies you see on TV are just extra long robes worn backwards

    so building your own is as simple as building a robe with a few mods to wear backwards

    for easier project try a cloak

    they make great blankets that you can wear complete with hood
    This might sound stupid but you could get a blanket and sew some long sleeves on it!

    What do you call the process when the presence of resentful individuals making the protagonist look good?

    For example:. The more people who antagonize or make derogatory statements toward a Gentleman the more the gentleman look good because he does not have to stoop to their levels. So therefore, the mere presense of these provokers are actually benefical to the ratings of the victim, so to speak.

    Is there a cliche or phrase ?What do you call the process when the presence of resentful individuals making the protagonist look good?
    not ! i guess you've never seen a lynch mob
  • beauty facial
  • medicine cream
  • What are the things that people struggle with that stops them from making more money?

    The only thing that holds us back from making money is us. It is all a mindset and if we can overcome the things that we are accustomed to, then we can achieve all things.What are the things that people struggle with that stops them from making more money?
    Not having confidence in your capabilities, working with people who harrass you on a daily basis that gives your defeatist feelings, a decision to not pursue something greater for something else (eg. choosing family over career). There are so many reasons.What are the things that people struggle with that stops them from making more money?
    1 word ACTION Report Abuse

    Being comfortable with a position and not taking a chance.
    believing you are unworthy of all the benefits that money can bring you...and an unwillingness to face the addiction you have to being poor...and all the drama that comes with having to struggle as you live from check to check...
    Making money means dishonesty. No man has ever made money the honest way. Buy something cheap and sell it at a higher price. Make something inferior and represent it to be some thing it is not. Exploiting workers. Pay them a fraction of the real profit. Wheeling and dealing with any garbage and low life you could find and trying to sell at any price even if it means compromising your dignity. These are the reasons that turn many people from making money.
    Hasn't any one read Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

    If you don't have food and shelter then you can't progress any further.

    If you don't have an address then you haven't a hope of finding work


    If you can't eat you die.

    I am not talking about middle class USA. I am talking about abject poverty where there isn't even clean water to drink.

    In saying one can achieve any thing you want in the USA you are correct

    My playstation 3 is making a weird continuous sound when turned off?

    I turn my PS3 off from the back. (After waiting for it to go in stand-by mode, of course)

    Then it starts making this high-pitched buzzing noise that is almost silent, but still audible. I even tried disconnecting the PS3 completely and the noise just kept going.

    It doesn't make this noise when it's on. I'm keeping my PS3 on stand-by mode because of this problem.

    What is causing this problem? Is it serious? How to fix it?

    Thank you.My playstation 3 is making a weird continuous sound when turned off?
    hmm makes me think it's the power supply. that's really weird though. i'd contact Sony.My playstation 3 is making a weird continuous sound when turned off?
    Check cables and connections. Check if everything is grounded properly. Get a surge protector.

    How should I ask out a girl if she is taken without making myself look foolish?

    Well, theres this girl and I reaaaalllllyyyy like her but she's taken so what could i do to ask her out without seeming dumb. She's kinda emo and her and her bf aren't that close so yea what should i do?How should I ask out a girl if she is taken without making myself look foolish?
    yeah i agree..she's don't ask. How should I ask out a girl if she is taken without making myself look foolish?
    ask her if they're exclusive. that can at least open the door, suggesting youre interested. it will also give her a chance to let you know if she's in a committed relationship or not.
    if shes taken, dont ask her; cause thats really uncool
    be talking, then say,

    '; a boyfriend?';

    Any suggestions on cake making classes?

    Has anybody ever taken the Wilton cake making classes at the Michael's art stores? I am really interesting in learning to make cakes, such as those on food network, and want to know where to begin...I heard the Wilton cake classes are a good start but was looking for some more information...I live north of Boston, if that helps! Thanks.Any suggestions on cake making classes?
    The classes at Michael's will teach you the basics. I have taken all three classes as refreshers. They are informative and will give you enough skill to start out in a local bakery. To learn more advanced you could check out a culinary school in your area or you might consider going to Wilton's School in Chicago.

    Fondant is not easy to work with and quite frankly I don't like the taste. Most people I see who get a piece of cake with fondant on it will peel it off.

    Good luck with your classes and just relax. You will find out that it really isn't that difficult to make the roses and other flowers, just takes a little patience.Any suggestions on cake making classes?
    I haven't taken the class, but my daughter and I are also planning to take a Wilton class at Michael's here on Long Island this Spring. Probably in April.

    The fee for the class is $45.00 but there is a March special and the tuition is half price ...$22.50.

    Since the classes are starting this week and run thru the end of the month maybe try calling your local store and see when they start.

    I do know 2 people who have taken the decorating course and really liked it.

    I personally have bought and tried using the decorating stuff myself and just haven't gotten the hang of it, so I am looking forward to learning technique.

    When I take the class I will post back here and add to this question and let you know how I like it, maybe you could do the same and we can compare notes!

    Have fun! : )
    Take the Wilton classes. They will teach you the basics of cake decorating and will help you learn the terms you need to know for decorating. Then get some good cake decorating books, which will give you ideas and teach you some new techniques. From there just practice. Try out new techniques and learn how to do them and eventually you'll get really good.
    if you call the place I am sure they can answer your questions. I try to stay away from these types of foods. To easy to gain weight and do not want to make bad examples for my family. I rather take more health classes at our hospital and they offer cooking classes as well.

    What is the point in making polar bodies in meiosis?

    Going from memory, long time since studied biology.

    IT does seem at first like a waste of energy %26amp; genetic material.

    The main genetic advantage i remember is that as the chromosomes split and the double Hellix reform's twice, this is an efficent way to repair minior gene copy mistakes / damage and to early on weed out %26amp; lose / discard major problems while their is still time an energy for more ovem develoment. Resulting in potentualy more healthy first, second, third %26amp; so on generations of offspring.

    I hope this interpretation of past llessons help.

    Happy New Year 2008What is the point in making polar bodies in meiosis?
    This is one of those fields that is still developing and over the next few years, more and more information will flow into. As for my knowledge, the polar bodies are created in Meiosis as excess. The main point of Meiosis was to produce the egg, and the egg needs a little more raw material than normal meiotic daughter cells can offer, so the polar bodies, which would normally go on to make normal gametes, give off part of their nutrients/material to contribute to the egg cell. This also ties into the though of altruism, the contribution of something to another organism, in return for a negative impact upon the giver. It proliferates the genes that these polar bodies have in common. So the point of polar bodies are to donate what is needed to the egg cell.

    What is the trick in making good french fries from raw potatoes??

    When we buy frozen fries they fry up in a short time and are crunchy (the way I like them), but when I make them from potatoes they are very wet and take forever to fry....Why? Thank YouWhat is the trick in making good french fries from raw potatoes??
    Partially cook them in the microwave before you cook them. The trick is to get them cooked but no so cooked you cant cut them. When you fry them, the outside will be crispy and the inside wll be soft.What is the trick in making good french fries from raw potatoes??
    Chuck has it right, we call it double dunking or twice cooked, blanched in oil or water, cool then fry. Who brought the Thousand Island dressing, no fork, just fingers for me
    Put your potato strips into a bowl of ice water for at least 20 minutes. Blot dry thoroughly, then fry.

    Here's a yummy recipe for you...

    ';Garlic Fries'; - 6 servings

    3 lbs. peeled baking potatoes; cut into 1/4';-thick strips

    4 tsp. vegetable oil

    3/4 tsp. salt

    Nonstick cooking spray

    2 tbsp. butter

    8 garlic cloves; minced (about 5 tsp.)

    2 tbsp. finely chopped fresh parsley

    2 tbsp. freshly grated Parmesan cheese

    Preheat oven to 400*.

    Combine first 3 ingredients in a large zip-top plastic bag, tossing to coat.

    Arrange potatoes in a single layer on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray. Bake for 50 minutes or until potatoes are tender and golden brown, turning after 20 minutes.

    Place butter and garlic in large nonstick skillet; cook over low heat 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Add potatoes, parsley and cheese to skillet; toss to coat. Serve immediately.
    After you cut them, dry the potatoe juice using a towel, then bake them in the oven.

    I do all of the above...soak for 20 minutes in salted water....

    dry well on clean kitchen towel....make sure the oil is at the correct temperature.....and great fries will follow!!! I like malt vinegar on mine!
    Peel %26amp; slice white potatoes. Soak them in salted ice water about 30 min. or so. Drain and dry with paper towels. Make sure they are good and dry before you drop them into hot vegetable oil. Make sure you are using at least 2 or 3 inches of oil and don't overcrowd the pan. Too many potatoes in a small pan will just sit there and sog, or burn.

    Try dipping them in barbecue sauce instead of ketchup. It's gooood.
    Definitely soak your cut potatoes in ice water first. Allow about one hour. Then rinse off the starch. Fry them in hot oil or Crisco twice; allowing at least a 20 minute rest between fries. Do not crowd the saucepan. The first is until they are called ';blonde';, about 5 minutes or so; then fry them on the second time about 5-6 minutes more, or until you have them the colour you like.
    I assume that you are talking about in a deep fat fryer. I make them all the time myself. I never buy them in them store.

    Cut the potato the thickness that you want. Put them in a bowl of cold water for about 15 minutes or so. Towel dry, start dropping them off in the hot oil one at a time, up to about 10 cooking at one time. You can ';stir'; them around a bit it you want one time. But as soon as they ';float'; to the top, they are done. After I dip them out onto my plate, I sprinkle them with seasoned salt. And serve. You can also make potato wedges the same way as this.
    Soak them in water for a 1/2 hour to remove the starch.
  • beauty facial
  • medicine cream
  • What is the name of the type of art that uses raised features; making the image appear a mixture of 2d and 3d?

    It is similar to the effect that lithographs strive for, but is used with artistic materials.What is the name of the type of art that uses raised features; making the image appear a mixture of 2d and 3d?

    It's opposite is 'Intaglio'.What is the name of the type of art that uses raised features; making the image appear a mixture of 2d and 3d?
    embossing--I think that is what you are referring to.

    How much work goes into making movies?

    And could you guys explain what the producer, and director does.

    Also, why must there be blueprints of movies? For instance, drawings of scenes, why must that do that job?How much work goes into making movies?
    Directors are the ones that tell people what to do. They are one of the people in charge of how the movie looks.

    Producers are the ones in charge of money.

    They have to do the story boards to the actors and everyone know what the director wants the movie to look like.

    A lot of work goes into the movies. First the screenwriter has to come up with an idea and write the script. Then they have to find someone willing to make the movie. They have to find someone to produce it (supply the money).

    Then they have to do casting, they have to find people to act in the movie. They have to build sets and find/make costumes and what not. Then they film. After they film they have to edit the movie, put the scenes together add the music and the sound/voices.

    How do I go about making a grocery list for 2 on 50 dollars a week?

    Using only healthy real food (meaning meat,WHOLE grains, fruit, vegetables) nothing processed or fake

    Would it be easier to make 2 lists for one?

    How do I do thisHow do I go about making a grocery list for 2 on 50 dollars a week?
    Hi !

    You can buy a lot of food for $50.

    Dry beans, brown rice, milk, brown eggs, wheat bread, leg quarters, frozen fruits and veggies.

    I have a family of 3, and we live off of $60 per week. Wal-Mart has a bag of leg quarters that lasts us 2 weeks, and costs $4.56, bread for under $1, beans for just over $1and a 5# bag of mixed frozen veggies for $7.

    You can bring a pen and paper with you and write down the price so that you do not go over budget, or a caulator.How do I go about making a grocery list for 2 on 50 dollars a week?
    you can live on 25 dollars a week lol i spend that a day on food probably more

    i wish i could eat that cheap

    Can you make money making greeting cards?

    I have started to make my own cards, does anyone else do this? If so would you say there is much money to be made in this business?Can you make money making greeting cards?
    Definitely. You could even go further than Hallmark has and make racier cards. Go the ghetto route. ';Sorry to hear bout yo drive-by.'; If you cater to certain people you could make lots of money. Have a teenager line of cards. That would be cool. I worked at a Hallmark for 3yrs and loved it. When you start your business find me, I'll manage your store! Good Luck!!!Can you make money making greeting cards?
    there are a number of greeting card companies,particularly in the us and Canada that pay for greeting card ideas if they like them. there is a book at the-library about writers guide i believe it is called that lists them and other areas of authorship that accept submissions, and the required formats. good luck!
    American greeting was started by a man who sold cards to stores in a wagon.

    If your product is good enough, people WILL buy it.

    As a business man myself, go to a library and check out a book on running a business or a book about running a card business.

    Just look at the prices that cards sell for. A hallmark card runs about $1.99 in the store and cost wholesale maybe $.40

    There are millionaires in every line of work.
    Yes, if you can make a name for yourself. Like American Greetings, or Hallmark.
    It's not easy, but you can make money selling IDEAS for cards. Many card companies accept freelance ideas for cards.
    I鈥檝e had this happen to me a few times, I鈥檓 pretty crafty with paper stuff, book binding and have started to think about selling my work.

    The thing is to do the work on a small scale is fun but doing it as a business, trying to make money, it all adds up to allot of work.

    Do I think hand made or manufactured cards is a good potential business, absolutely.

    But it will require designing truly unique cards that you can鈥檛 already buy, determining the best materials, shopping them around to find retailers or finding a distributor or doing trade shows, and finally setting up for production.

    That would be six months worth of hard work, probably with some disappointments along the way.

    The biggest trade show for cards and related paper products is NYC at the Javit鈥檚 Convention Center, it鈥檚 in the spring if it鈥檚 at all possible you should go see what your up against.

    If you decide to do it you will be living my dream.

    best of luck

    PS: I own my own printing company

    What are the major problems with special interest groups and lobbyist in the policy making process?

    Questions is pretty straight forward, I'm having problems finding any good scholarly material, please help, 5 points thanks!What are the major problems with special interest groups and lobbyist in the policy making process?
    Football is the word given to a number of similar team sports, all of which involve (to varying degrees) kicking a ball with the foot in an attempt to score a goal. The most popular of these sports worldwide is association football, more commonly known as just ';football'; or ';soccer';. The English language word ';football'; is also applied to ';gridiron football'; (a name associated with the North American sports, especially American football and Canadian football), Australian football, Gaelic football, rugby football (rugby league and rugby union), and related games. Each of these codes (specific sets of rules, or the games defined by them) is referred to as ';football';.

    These games involve:

    Two teams of usually between 11 and 18 players; some variations that have fewer players (five or more per team) are also popular

    a clearly defined area in which to play the game;

    scoring goals and/or points, by moving the ball to an opposing team's end of the field and either into a goal area, or over a line;

    goals and/or points resulting from players putting the ball between two goalposts

    the goal and/or line being defended by the opposing team;

    players being required to move the ball—depending on the code—by kicking, carrying and/or hand passing the ball; and

    players using only their body to move the ball.

    In most codes, there are rules restricting the movement of players offside, and players scoring a goal must put the ball either under or over a crossbar between the goalposts. Other features common to several football codes include: points being mostly scored by players carrying the ball across the goal line and; players receiving a free kick after they take a mark/make a fair catch.

    Peoples from around the world have played games which involved kicking and/or carrying a ball, since ancient times. However, most of the modern codes of football have their origins in England.

    Contents [hide]

    1 Etymology

    2 History

    2.1 Early history

    2.1.1 Ancient games

    2.1.2 Medieval and early modern Europe

    2.1.3 Calcio Fiorentino

    2.1.4 Official disapproval and attempts to ban football

    2.2 Establishment of modern codes

    2.2.1 English public schools

    2.2.2 Firsts Clubs Competitions Modern balls Modern ball passing tactics

    2.2.3 Cambridge rules

    2.2.4 Sheffield rules

    2.2.5 Australian rules

    2.2.6 Football Association

    2.2.7 Rugby football

    2.2.8 North American football codes

    2.2.9 Gaelic football

    2.2.10 Split in Rugby football

    2.2.11 Globalisation of Association football

    2.2.12 Reform of American football

    2.2.13 Further divergence of the two rugby codes

    3 Football today

    3.1 Use of the word ';football'; in English-speaking countries

    3.2 Use of the word ';football'; in non-English-speaking countries

    3.3 Present day codes and families

    3.3.1 Association football and descendants

    3.3.2 Rugby school football and descendants

    3.3.3 Irish and Australian varieties

    3.3.4 Surviving mediæval ball games Inside the UK Outside the UK

    3.3.5 Surviving UK school games

    3.3.6 Recent inventions and hybrid games Based on FA rules Based on rugby Hybrid games

    3.3.7 Tabletop games and other recreations Based on Football (soccer) Based on rugby Based on American football Based on Australian football

    4 See also

    5 Notes

    6 References

    7 External links


    Main article: Football (word)

    While it is widely believed that the word ';football'; (or ';foot ball';) originated in reference to the action of the foot kicking a ball, there is a rival explanation, which has it that football originally referred to a variety of games in medieval Europe, which were played on foot.[1] These games were usually played by peasants, as opposed to the horse-riding sports often played by aristocrats. While there is no conclusive evidence for this explanation, the word football has always implied a variety of games played on foot, not just those that involved kicking a ball. In some cases, the word football has even been applied to games which have specifically outlawed kicking the ball.


    Early history

    Ancient games

    Ancient Greek football player balancing the ball. Depiction on an Attic Lekythos.The Ancient Greeks and Romans are known to have played many ball games, some of which involved the use of the feet. The Roman game harpastum is believed to have been adapted from a team game known as ';επισκυρος'; (episkyros) or phaininda, which is mentioned by a Greek playwright, Antiphanes (388–311 BC) and later referred to by the Christian theologian Clement of Alexandria (c.150-c.215 AD). The Roman politician Cicero (106-43 BC) describes the case of a man who was killed whilst having a shave when a ball was kicked into a barber's shop. These games appear to have resembled rugby football. Roman ball games already knew the air-filled ball, the follis.[2][3]

    Documented evidence of an activity resembling foot
  • beauty facial
  • medicine cream
  • What are some tips to making up a bed at our age?

    I was wondering if anyone is having problems (physically) making up the bed these days? Especially putting on the mattress protectors. I feel like a pro-wrestler sometimes.What are some tips to making up a bed at our age?
    Sometimes even making up your bed is a chore. I have a little reach extender called a '; Grabber '; that serves to extend my reach about 18 inches. This little gizmo comes in handy often. Get one at the drug store, at the hardware store at the mercantile, at the grocery or at ';The Grabber Store '; coming soon to a settlement near you.What are some tips to making up a bed at our age?
    I rest as soon as I get tired and start furthering the chore later, especially the mattress pad and fitted sheets. Mine's a queen. For routine, you're gonna laugh unless you've heard it already. I thought my mother invented it. She told me how to make the bed before you get out of it.

    You get in the middle and center-up the sheet with your hands wide, then do a spread eagle for both bottom corners, pulling the sheet taut. For any blanket, you do the same, then for the bedcover. You throw a top corner and get out. Then all you have to do is throw the top corner back, and smooth any part you might have missed.
    Don't get the kind that is a pillowcase covering the entire thing. I have a king size bed and a princess size heart. It would kill me. Really what gets under any way? But if you are really concerned get two fitted type mattress protectors. I like the kind that has olastic underneath but material on top. Bugs can't get through the plastic and I don't feel or sweat from the plastic. Put one on. Working catty corner makes it much easier. Then flip the whole mattress or have a strong cute guy do it. Place the other one one top. Again going catty corner.Wash it whenever. They

    also have new (I think Lysol makes it) product that kills bed bugs and mites but smells nice. Spray the mattress protector, mattress whatever, pillowsand make the bed. Wash the protector from time to time. When it'a time to turn the mattress, wash the one that was on the bottom. Put it back and spray it. Make bed. Much easier. And if you get the cute guy,,, an added bonus. *edie* sounds sill but while you are still in bed, pull up the sheet, then blanket ,the bedspread or comforter. Flip the side you get out of over gently. Slide out and straightn a little.Viola ! The Magic silf making bed!
    We are taught from childhood to make up a bed a certain way, to buy certain kinds of sheets and comforters and such. And to pay high prices for same no matter what. When one becomes a senior there is no need to prove one's self anymore, and because usually there will be no others in the house besides yourself (yourselves) there is no need to follow the norms. Why not just be comfortable with what you ';can'; do? For me there is no further need for sheets. I use two quilts, one for the top and one for the bottom and just throw them over the bed and tuck them in neatly.
    I always put the fitted sheets on the wrong end of the mattress and have to redo it. I put a tiny button on the ends of the sheets that go from head to foot, no more confusion. Most times I don't make the bed, my room is neat but no one sees my bedroom except family. I keep plastic mattress covers on all the beds, I also do this for all my pillows. Poppy
    You make me realize just how lucky I am. I have not changed or made my own bed for some 15 years now. I do how ever have to supervise as they keep putting the mattress cover on upside down, same with the cover sheet. I do remember the turning of the mattress and how aggressive and angry it could become.
    I am blessed with good health, spryness, and strength.

    I do not look, feel or act my age.

    As for my bed, I do not even bother with a top sheet or blanket or comforter anymore. I LOVE to wrap myself up like a mummy in my soooo soft quilt and hybernate for the night.

    Making my bed is a breeze. Just straighten out the quilt. Presto - done !!
    Helping Hand Reachers.

    There are helping hand reachers at stores for helping with bedmaking

    Call the Local Hospital and they will give you phone numbers. Where devices can be purchased.鈥?/a>

    Easy Bedmaking.鈥?/a>
    Have a friend who's bed is always made. She puts a sheet on top of the made bed and another one to cover her when she lays down and a blanket.

    In the morning she puts them in a closet, she hasn't made the bed in months.
    I have found the easiest way to make the bed is to have the maid do it! My back will not tolerate bending over like that...not a good way to start off the day!
    I feel like that when I rotate my king size mattress. Whata chore! Sometimes I think it would be better for me to sleep on the floor.
    i use hospital corners, occupational hazard.

    What can I do about my spectales which are pushing my eyes inward and making me ugly without them?

    I am a 20 old man in Kenya. I am shortsighted thus I wear concave lens of power 6(what I see opticians writing). I looked fine before I started wearing them in 2001, I was cute. They started pushing my eyes inward and now I look ugly without them. What causes this? I cannot afford laser surgery. What option do I have to improve my looks. Can my eyes ever pop back outward?What can I do about my spectales which are pushing my eyes inward and making me ugly without them?
    maybe try contact lensesWhat can I do about my spectales which are pushing my eyes inward and making me ugly without them?
    It is easy to solve this question by asking sweetylucy on , a black community, and sweetylucy is an expert in spectacles.
    Ask your optometrist he or she may have some suggestions
    Go to an optimest about your concern

    You should let them help you buy new

    spectales that compliment your face.
    Sounds like there may be two causes for is unwanted prism which can make the eyes feel like they are moving in, or the frame is too large for your face. If a frame is too large, your eyes are positioned more towards your nose than to the center of the frame.

    Please take them back and see if they will restyle for you.
    You posted this question before week ago. You stated that you can't afford laser surgery which might be your only option. I located an website: International Lasik Eye Surgery.

    nternational LASIK Eye Surgery Price QuotesLearn the cost of laser eye surgery at centers worldwide. ... Surgeons throughout the world offer LASIK price quotes, free information packets and even the ...

    You need to explain your financial situtation and most likely they have a payment plan.

    You also need to contact your eye doctor for this recommendation.

    Please guide me on making an analytic cubism drawing?

    I know that this is the painting section, but people in drawing section doesn't know. I have to make an anylatic cubism still life using charcoal. Please guide me on how to make it.

    Since analytic cubism is monochromatic, I think charcoal will work.Please guide me on making an analytic cubism drawing?
    analytic cubism is supposed to incorporate several different viewpoints of an object into the same image.

    I suppose a really simple way to do it would be to divide your paper into different geometric sections. Then move around an object drawing a different part of it in each section (from different angles), afterwards you could get a bit creative and abstract and try to run the different sections of the drawing into each other so they don't seem so disjointed. Might be good to add a few red ochres and browns in with your charcoal to give it a bit of warmth and a closer feeling to the picasso and Braque images i think you are talking about when you say they are monochromatic.

    Is there anywhere online that i can practice filling out prescriptions and making labels for products?

    I'm a second year pharmacy student,and i'm having trouble with some of the practical elements of my course.Thanks.Is there anywhere online that i can practice filling out prescriptions and making labels for products?
    :-P libray is all i can say ,Is there anywhere online that i can practice filling out prescriptions and making labels for products?
    ask at your university they might be able to offer either a computor program or website

    or make your own template on the computor if your getting desperate

    good luck
    search it in google!

    My girlfriend is an escort. How do I know if she is making love to me, and only sleeping with her customers?

    She has been doing this for about 2 years. She is only 18, and I feel like this is an inappropriate career path for her to follow, yet she insists the money makes it worth it. And that she is completely faithful to me, however, i feel like what she does for work may interfere with our relationship. HELP PLEASE!My girlfriend is an escort. How do I know if she is making love to me, and only sleeping with her customers?
    ok... i got you on this one bro.... my girl does the same thing. That when i hired a private investigator. I didnt have that much money but i got one off of craigs list cheap. I found out legit that she was doing her job and nothing more. luck for her i didnt have to get domestic on her ***. i hope this helps.

    ps. if she is screwing around... be a man.. you know what to do!My girlfriend is an escort. How do I know if she is making love to me, and only sleeping with her customers?
    How can she be faithful if she is an escort? You are condoning this behavior. You need to drop her like a bad habit. DUDE, SHE IS A HOOKER. Hookers are breaking the law in most every state in the country. Hooking is directly tied to organized crime and drugs. Also, the more she sleeps around the more likley you are to get the gift that keeps on giving. There is no treatment or AIDS.

    If you stay with her because of the money, then you are her pimp. Really, get rid of her. She is cheating on you for the money.
    How is she completely faithful if she's a escort

    You need to move on, find someone that's not having sex with other people. And she's 18 years old, she's just a kid.And you need to be careful cause she might get a s.t.d
    Dude, move on, you can do better than a girl who has sex with different guys every night...find a girl who is faithful to you and you are faithful to her...
    you are such a loser, she must be earning a lot for you to stay with her if shes doing a different guy every night. mate are you the full quid?
    Leave her... Ew she is ******* diffrent men all the time.. over time her ***** will just get loose anyways.. ew

    How come when your making out girls get the bottom lip and guys get the top?

    i just noticed when i was making out last that my girl always gets my bottom lip and i get her top and if i try to go for her bottom lip she moves so i get the top instead ... whats up with that ... are all girls like that?How come when your making out girls get the bottom lip and guys get the top?
    A passionate kiss carries no expectations, and conforms to no single rule. All lips are fair game. Although, the top lip in itself is packed with a ton of nerves and the woman's top lip in specific is actually an erogenous zone. Spend some time there, as well as the small of her back, her inner thighs, and the spot where her chest and neck meet, and you'll have her squirming in ecstasy.How come when your making out girls get the bottom lip and guys get the top?
    Oo girls lips are sooooo sensuous! I dun care which part I get!

    Maybe its cuz you can get a little better taste of their cherry flavored lip-gloss and stuff since the tongues level with the middle of the girl's lips and yea also maybe because guys are taller and naturally take to the top more comfortably.
    I, personally, just feel more comfortable that way. Guys are usually taller than their girlfriends, so it makes sense doesn't it? And its just the way I learned to kiss. I remember when I was around ten reading a magazine on how to make out with a guy (...i know but every girl does that) and it said to go for the bottom lip. Even the magazines today still say so. Its just a comfortable thing to do :)
    Lol naw its normal, i always kiss and bite my babys bottom lip, he loves it.... give her a little tongue action to make things HOT! and grab her *** or run ur hands thru her hair... show some passion u kno? and i suggest u play wit ur tongue inside that mouth cus girls LOVE IT!! well atleast i do :D lmao
    I think it all depends on the person. My boyfriend is taller than me and he still goes for the lower lip more often. I like the upper lip better. But, dude i think your girl is weird, when you make out well eegh, you don't stay on the same lip for the whole time...
    Guys are usually taller, so when making out stand up or sitting, its easier for the guy to have the top and girl to have the bottom
    no. kinda weird. You should probably be loving and kiss her...well lovingly not all ';I want the bottom lip';


    WTF its like a little kid...

    ';I want the top bunk!';

    That's not right. Your lips should meet and they should both touch. Top and bottom work together.
    The same reason missionary is the most common sex position.
    Are you a bad kisser? Switch it up. Kissing that same way every time is boring.
    haha! I dont know why! I do it as well!

    Actually Little Miss Sunshine is probably right! lol

    I can only reach my boyfriends bottom lop! xx
    Comfort zone ...and a girl is probably to shy to put her mouth so close to your nose .....with experience comes trail %26amp; error .....good luck with that !
    guys are on top in sex too...
    Shes probably just shorter than you
    height difference
    nope! me n my boyfriend always depends on what she likes and what you like...
    lol well not really i like it when my ex bf used to get the lower lip lol
  • beauty facial
  • wrinkle treatment
  • Is there any genuine competition which focus on developing kids rather than making it a way to earn money?

    We have number of competitions taking place everyday, if you see any school calender you will find a number of days getting sacrificed in these activities but I am still not sure as to how many of them really focus to bring out genius of a child. Is there any genuine competition which focus on developing kids rather than making it a way to earn money?
    Yes! Certainly there is a competition that seeks to nurture and unleash the genius within a child. And what makes it truly 'genuine' is the purpose, the unique concept and format that is used in the competition.

    The competition is Iken Scientifica, its a nationwide search for the Student Icon of India. The competition is being conducted across the length and breadth of the country and has a participation of more than 4 lakh students. But more than the scale, its the style that distinguishes this competition; for it is completely hands-on and it prods students to observe, explore and experiment.

    Moreover, it is a 'test for learning' rather than a 'test of learning' as it provides instant feedback which augment a students learning and provide the teacher and parents an insight into the students understanding and learning pattern which pave way for the child's enhanced performance.

    And be rest assured that it is not a gimmick to earn money. Since not only is the participation for it free, but infact it gives you a chance to earn prizes worth Rs.50,00,000!

    Any good recipes for making sweet-tasting veggies?

    I really enjoy sweet things and want to eat more veggies. I already eat sweet potatoes. Does anyone have a good recipe for any other veggies that are made to taste sweet?Any good recipes for making sweet-tasting veggies?
    Make a sweet and sour chicken stir fry using the veggies you love.Any good recipes for making sweet-tasting veggies?
    Zucchini is easy to make, and it is very sweet. Use 3 large zucchini and 1 large red onion. Cut the zucchini half length wise and then cut them into half moon pieces. Dice the onion. In a skillet add 2 tablespoons olive olive oil, and 2 cloves chopped garlic, set on a med hi heat. When the pan starts to sizzle throw in the zucchini and the onion and cook for 4 minutes. Add salt and pepper and you are ready to go!! Enjoy
    Prep time: 25 minutes


    1 zucchini, sliced

    1 yellow squash, sliced

    1/2 red bell pepper, chopped

    2 tomatoes, chopped

    1/4 c. fat-free Italian dressing

    2 c. brown rice, cooked

    1/4 c. soy parmesan cheese

    non-stick cooking spray


    Spray casserole dish with non-stick cooking spray.

    Mix vegetables and dressing together in the casserole dish.

    Cook vegetables in microwave for 10 minutes, stirring every 2 to 3 minutes.

    Sprinkle parmesan cheese over the top of the vegetables.

    Serve vegetables over rice.

    Serves: 4

    Serving size: 1 cup vegetables and 1/2 cup rice
    there are alot of recipes on the link below. here is one example. hope it helps.


    1/3 cup butter

    1/4 cup pineapple juice

    2 tablespoons brown sugar

    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    1/8 teaspoon ground cloves


    Melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Mix in pineapple juice, brown sugar, lemon juice and ground cloves. When thoroughly mixed, remove from heat and use to marinate vegetables as desired.
    Actually, my mom used to add a spoonful of sugar to most vegetables. Some people add honey. Either are okay with carrots. Have you ever tried sweet potato fries (sprinkled with sugar, not salt-- Beef O'Brady's has them)? Cook down sugar over veggies and it creates a candied effect.

    Y'know, it's funny-- I was eating lunch the other day and realized the entire lunch was sweet: cola, PB%26amp;J uncrustable, cup of peaches, and a fudge round dessert cake. Yep, I have a major sweet tooth, too! Plus, I once ate one of those oriental dinners from a place in the nearest mall and everything from the meat to the rice to the veggies to the tea was sweet! Hey, you could do whole sweet oriental meals, too!

    Anyway, have fun... and stay SWEET!

    Melt come butter in a skillet add the carrotts and saute then sprinkle some brown sugar over them


    Accorn Aquash

    Cut in half take the seeds out poke holes but do not cut through. Put anout 1 tsp butter in each half and then in each half put the follwing:

    1 splash lemon juice

    1 tsp brown sugar

    1 tblsp honey

    1 tsp honey

    Bake at 350 for 1 hour it comes out GREAT!!!

    Hope these help you


    Things like pumpkin and squash are very sweet. Here are a couple examples:

    Acorn Squash - cut in half, and remove seeds - roast in oven.

    Season with butter, a little salt, and brown sugar.

    Spaghetti Squash - same deal, or microwave in a casserole dish with some water, then once you have removed the spaghetti like flesh, toss in some brown sugar or maple syrup. Very good - like dessert!

    Check online recipe sites for exact roasting times and such.

    Good luck!
    Butternut squash is to DIE for.

    1 butternut squash

    2-4 tbs butter(I like a lot but I know some people don't)

    2 tbs brown sugar

    Heat oven to 300

    Cut sqaush in half length-wise

    Arrange on baking pan flesh side up

    Put 1-2 tbs butter on each half

    Sprinkle with 1 tbs brown sugar on each half

    Roast in oven until fork tender

    Now, you can either mash or just scoop out pulp and eat as is. Maybe garnish with more butter and brown sugar. You could also cut sqaush into cubes and saute with butter and brown sugar instead of roasting. I'm absolutely certain you will LOVE this dish! :)
    im guessing lemon juice or salt
    Simmer carrots in a combination of brown sugar and butter. Yum! Or bake sweet potatoes and top with butter and brown sugar.
    Sweet and Tangy Marinated Veggies

    8 cups mixed assorted fresh vegetables, such as brocolli, cauliflower, zuchini, carrots and red bell peppers

    1/3 cup distiled white vinegar

    1/4 cup sugar

    1/4 cup water

    1 (1 ounce) packet hidden valley ranch dressing mix

    1. Place veggies in a large ziplok bag. Whisk together vinegar, sugar, water and salad dressing %26amp; seasoning mix; mix until sugar disolves.

    2. Pour over veggies, seal bag and refrigerate for four hours, turning bag occasionally.

    I need help in making a model go karting scene?

    I have the go karts I'm using hot-wheels die-cast cars, I don't know what scale they are. But I need something I can use for the barriers as I need make the layout of the track so if anyone knows what I can use for that scale.

    I need it to look as real as possible, it's not a toy model it's for someone older as a present so I want it to look brilliant, so any other tips are appreciated, like the ground for example. Thanks.I need help in making a model go karting scene?
    I would download from your computer a picture scene (photograph) of the view you want from the track, repeat it around the outside of the track, print it off and glue it to a piece of cardboard, about 5 inches high and the length of your oval speedway. I would look at roofing shingles as a road way as they kinda resemble asphalt or fine grit sandpaper sprayed black, might also work. Flags banners and audience stands can also be constructed to make it more realistic.

    You have a lot of work ahead, good luck!